Wake Up!

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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch

" Let's quickly detain Sebastian before he wakes up" Douglas orders
We turn around, but find Sebastian gone.
" Where did he go? ' I ask
" I'm right here, and Douglas once I'm done you'll be the one that needs help." Sebastian screams
He raises his arm about to shoot Douglas
" NO" I scream. I quickly jump in front of Douglas while using my forcefield to deflect the grenade to him. Sebastian is thrown backwards. I knew what I had done. I just used my bionics.
" CHASE" Douglas cried, before I disappear Into darkness.

Adam's POV

After the battle with Sebastian and his thugs, we quickly went to detain the them. We first grabbed Tank and Lexi, but left Sebastian so we could detain the others first. Douglas asked if we could give him and Chase a moment, we simply nodded and then left.
I gripped my hands around Tanks arms securely, and Bree held Lexi. We walked them into the hydro loop while we cuffed them using bionic handcuffs.
" We will seek our revenge, you guys will be defeated." Lexi growled
" Yeah, sure you will. You guys along with Sebastian will get what's coming for you guys." Leo confidently says.
" Good luck with that. We have back up plans, and our revenge will come when you least expect it." Lexi says
" Whatever, enjoy your time in jail. One of my most secure facilities will be detaining them." Mr Davenport explains while looking rather proud. His ego is bigger then the world, I thought.
" I'll go grab Sebastian" Bree says while walking towards the training area.
Suddenly we heard a scream.
" CHASE" Douglas cried.
Ohhh no, what's happened now.
" Leo keep Lexi and Tank here, we'll go see what's going on" Bree commanded.
We quickly ran through the halls until we reached the training area. Chase was on the floor with his eyes closed, Douglas was next to him trying to wake him up. Sebastian was in the corner of the room unconscious.

We ran towards Douglas and Chase.
" Douglas what happened?" Mr Davenport asked
He was breathing heavy and with each breath more fear showed on his face.
" He saved me. Sebastian was about to shoot me and Chase used his forcefield to deflect the aim ." He explained
I didn't understand the problem. If Chase had used his forcefield it shouldn't have hurt him in any way.
" If he used his forcefield why is he unconscious? " Bree questioned while trying to feel Chase's pulse.
" No time to explain, he needs help now." He ordered.
Bree quickly grabbed onto Chase's arm and used her super speed to get him to the infirmary.
Why can't we just have a peaceful day. I thought while following Bree.
Mr Davenport went quickly to detain Sebastian and cuffed him with the bionic handcuffs, before sending him to the hydro loop with the others. He also ejected their bionic chips so the couldn't escape, before sending them off with tight security to escort them to the off shore facility.

We soon all raced to the infirmary.
Chase rested in a bed while Douglas strapped him to many machines.
He frantically messed with machines, while trying to wake Chase up. Nothing had happened, and Chase was still unconscious. I was greatly concerned.
Everything about this day was so confusing, with all the action and drama I was barely keeping up.
After 5 minutes Douglas escorts us out of the room.
" Douglas, tell us now what has happened. Why is Chase like this and why hasn't he woken up?" Bree asked in a angered voice
He let out a heavy sigh.
" Chase saved my life, but damaged himself. During the battle with Sebastian his bionics were slowly deteriorating, and as he used his bionics during the battle it made it worse. While you guys went to data in the others, I informed Chase that if he used his bionics once more his bionics would be gone forever. All was good until he saved me from Sebastian and now he is like this." He explained
Chase had saved Douglas
" What do you mean 'like this'? What is wrong with him?" Leo Asks

He let out a heavy sigh. I could have sworn I saw a tear escape his eyes.
" Chase, is no longer bionic. He drained his energy out and now his chip is destroyed. His body is currently in a state of shock. The good news is he is alive." He says while taking a seat on the couch.
We all look at the floor, before glancing at Chase.
" When will he wake up?" I ask has I blink back the tears.
" I don't know." He responds.
It shattered my heart to hear and see Chase like this. Everything had happened so quickly. I wondered when it was going to end.
Mr Davenport remained silent throughout the entire conversation. An awkward silence filled the room.
" How can we get his bionics back?" Bree asks
" We can't. His bionic chip has been destroyed, we're lucky he is alive. He has been through hell and back and we are lucky he is still alive. He could of died in an instant but for some reason he didn't, but that doesn't mean he hasn't sustained serious injury. His nerves system has been damaged greatly. I don't know if he will ever be bionic again." he says in a hush voice

We all remained silent for a moment before Mr Davenport broke it.
" No, we are not giving up. Chase battled Sebastian despite the suffering he went through. If he didn't give up on us we are not going to give up on him. Douglas maybe that bionic upgrade can be help us. If we do some work on it we may be able to help Chase. We can design a new chip." Mr Davenport explained
I nod in agreement. Chase was a fighter and would never give up, so we wouldn't.
" I don't know" Douglas said not sounding convinced
I kneel down next to Douglas
" Fine, but we are going to do what we can to help Chase. I'm not going to tell you what you should do, but I will remind you that Chase is saved your life. " I say while pointing to Chase

We were all about to leave before Douglas spoke up.
" No, you guys are right. Chase needs us more then ever and I'm going to fix my mistake. I'm in" he said while standing up to face us.
" Great, because we need all the help we can get!" Bree responds.
We all walk into the infirmary to see Chase.
He rested on the bed so still. His chest was slowly moving up and down, while his eyes remained closed.
" We're here for you Chase and we won't give up" Bree soothed as all gathered around him.
After 5 minutes his eyes slowly began to open. We all faced him with joy on our faces.
" Chase, your awake!" Douglas exclaims while moving closer.
He pushed himself up so he was sitting properly.
" Yeah I'm awake, I'm alive. "
" But I'm not bionic" he answered while his face went blank.

Authors note
Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. Was it good/ bad, let me know in the comments. I will hopefully update very soon. Thanks for all your comments and votes and I will see you in the next chapter.
Till next time

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