Flickering Screens

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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch
I finally made up my mind. I had to join their side!
" Fine. I'll join you just don't hurt my family!" I say as I give in
" Great, but first I'm going to use you as bait!" They exclaim
" What do you mean bait, you said you weren't going to hurt my family!" I say
" Ohh when they see us torturing you it will kill them." One figure growls before shooting me with lightning.
I groan in pain as my face collides with the cold surface.
" Weak, Pathetic and a bionic brat. " I hear one of them say before drifting off into a world of coldness.

Mr Davenport's POV

I feel myself come back to my senses as I feel a slight nudge to my shoulder. Forcing my eyes open I come to view of several police officers glaring down at me. My vision was still blurred, but I could vaguely see their faces.
" Sir are you alright?" One officer asked while helping me up.
I stumble a bit but manage to find my balance

" I think so."  I reply
My thoughts suddenly trailed off to where the others were.
" Wait where are my kids and my brother?" I ask nervously. My memories were coming back to me. The doctors, the lightning and Chase being taken from us.
Oh no Chase!

I started to shake with nerves as I felt my worries slowly rise.
" Sir we can assure you your kids are fine." He says while pointing to the far corner of the hall.

Leo, Douglas, Adam and Bree were huddled into a group while other officers gathered around them.
" Sir I know you are probably a little dazed but we need to know what happened." One officer asked
I let out a heavy sigh and calm my shaking down.

" My son was it the hospital and was taken into examination by these two doctors. They weren't the real doctors, they took my son and knocked us out with lightning. These people are dangerous and they are bionic" I explain through shaky breaths

They seemed greatly distressed as office split up and scaled the entire building.
" Thank you sir. Now you said your son was taken." He says
I nod in response
" We don't know where but we need to find him he is in danger!" I exclaim.

" Ok sir we need you to calm down, we have officers scaling the area. We will help you find him. In 5 minutes we will set out and do a bigger search." He explained.
I nod and make my way over to the others.

" Mr Davenport your ok!" Bree exclaims while embracing me in a hug. I wince in pain as she squeezes me a bit to hard.
" Bree, it hurts!" I croaked
" Sorry!" She says and quickly releases her grip

I glance over and see the others working on something on Douglas's phone.
" What are you guys doing?" I question
" Trying to track Chase down. He is in this position because of me and I need to fix it." Douglas says between shaky breaths. He continues to mess with his phone.

" Well we have some extra help in a bout 5 minutes the police officers are going to help us find him!" I say
They all nod in response
" Yes I got it. Adam hand me that chord next to the t-v " Douglas orders while struggling to get up.
Adam quickly does so while I help him up. We were all still in great pain but we had to get over it, for Chase's sake.
" What did you find, is it Chase?" Leo asks Douglas eagerly
" No, but I managed to wirelessly pull up the data from the lab onto my phone. This will hopefully help us. I'm just going to hook it to the tv so we get a better view." He explains

Within a matter of seconds the data from Douglas's phone is revealed on the t-v. Several officers gather around us. I'm guessing the search was about to begin.

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