Every Hurdle

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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch
I shake my head and seal my eyes shut praying and praying. I held Bree close to me, while we all huddled in a group around Chase. Doctors enter the room and gather around us. We all held each other's hands, and I felt Bree's grip getting tighter.
" Please!" I say under my breath

Bree POV

Nothing happened. No movement, No sound and nothing from Chase.
" This can't be happening," I sob as my knees collapse and I find myself crying into Chases chest.
" Please don't leave us Chase!" Leo says as his voice cracked
" We need you. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP! PLEASE" Adam cries while holding me close.

Finally there was the one sound we dreaded and the one sight we begged not to see.
A single green line appeared on the monitor and piercing beep filled the room.

Chase remained in his same position, while we all gathered round. Doctors came into the room and the room was completely silent, other then the silent beeping.

My tears streamed down harder and my heart stopped.
" NO, PLEASE CHASE NO PLEASE." I Exclaim while squeezing his hands.

" I'm sorry, you tried your best. He is gone." A doctor says
We all turn to face him but I squeeze my eyes shut and continue to hold Chase's hand. I slowly let go as all of us are told to leave the room. I was reluctant and I felt Adam's grip on me tighten, but we had to leave.

We reached the door and glanced back at Chase.
" Thanks for being such a good brother." I whisper while glancing at him before turning away.

" Woah." I heard the doctor say
" What's wrong?" Mr Davenport questions
" The monitor its going haywire." The doctor explains
Suddenly sparks of electricity sparked and the lights in the room began to flicker, turning dimmer.

" What's going on?" Adam questions
" I don't know. " the doctor relays
We have ale cover as sudden sparks of electricity spread everywhere.
" Wait a second what's wrong with Chase?" Douglas questioned

We all turn to Chase and see him shaking. A bright yellow light shone from his neck and his chest. His chest went up and down violently.
" We have to get out of here it's dangerous" the doctor informs while trying to rush us out.
The lights in the room flickered even faster and wires sparked everywhere.

" Everybody duck!" The doctor shouts
We all take cover, before the lights stop flickering and slowly return to their original state. We come out of our hiding places to see the monitor completely destroyed.

" What went wrong?" Leo asked between shaky breaths.
We were all really shaken and looked in shock.
" I don't know...." The doctor starts but is cut of by the sound of someone breathing heavily.

We turn around to see Chase, who jolted up and began to breath heavily. His hands were shaking and his hazel eyes showed me comfort.

" Chase, Chase, CHASE, YOUR OK!" I shout while I rush to him and embrace him in a hug.
He didn't say anything and hugged me back lightly. I guess he was just really weak.

" Chase, your alive. Wait how is this possible?" Leo asked while he and Adam hugged Chase on the other side.

" It must of needed a little time to kick in. It worked." Mr Davenport says while wiping the tears clear from his eyes. He pushes me aside and hugs Chase hard.
A smile appeared on Chase's face.

" Chase, your ok. Your alive, your ok!" Douglas stutters while approaching Chase in complete shock.
" Yeah, yeah I'm ok!" He says between shaky breaths
" I don't know how or why but, I'm ok and my chip it feels great. I think it's healed. What happened?" He asks confused

Mr Davenport turns to face Douglas motioning fro him to come forward.
" Douglas. He saved you!" Mr Davenport says
" Chase, your alive you're really alive." Douglas says while hugging Chase.

It was silent for a moment before a whisper came from Chase
" You did it. You saved me. Thank you" Chase says genuinely
Douglas's smile slowly faded as he locked eyes with Chase.
" Thank You, why are you thanking me. If I didn't give you the upgrade... Non of..... This would have ...... Happened." Douglas stutters while drying his eyes.

" Yeah you did, but you saved me. Thank you so much!" Chase says while hugging Chase harder.
Douglas hugged him back, squeezing his eyes shut. I could see the relief on Douglas's face as, he was glad that Chase was ok we all were.

" Thanks Chase, but it wasn't just me we all did it."  Douglas says while commending us. We all huddled in a group and surrounded Chase.

" I love you guys and thanks for never giving up on me." Chase says
" Thank You Chase, but we should be the ones thanking you." I say
" Yeah you were so awesome in the way you took down Krane and saved Bree and the way you shot fire.... Wait a minute how did up you shoot fire from your hand" Adam asks

" I don't know I think It was the bionic upgrade." I say
"  What no fair why does he get to shoot fire from his hands!" Adam complains
" You can shoot fire from your eyes." Douglas points out
" OHHH yeah I can" he says completely oblivious

" Wait so can you still shoot fire from your hand if we reversed the engineering?" Leo asks
" I don't know but let me try!" Chase says
He extends his hand and suddenly a flame appears.
" Your upgrade didn't work, but it did crack an awesome ability that I never had in my database. Douglas you cracked something even better. You can give anyone anyone a new ability, even if they don't have it in there original chip design." Chase explains

" Wait it worked?" Douglas says shocked
" Yeah it did. You just need to reverse the engineering like how you did it with me. It'll work!" Chase exclaims
" Douglas that's amazing!" Adam says
" Good job!" Mr Davenport says impressed
" Wait a minute, are you impressed?" Douglas asks

He nods in response.
Douglas face exploded in excitement.
Chase gets out of his hospital bed and hugs us all
" I love you guys. Thanks for everything!" He says
" Of coarse.Thanks for always being there for us" Adam says as we all huddle close and hug each their tight.

Chase POV
" I love you guys. Thanks for everything!" I say
" Of coarse.Thanks for always being there for us" Adam says as we all huddle close and hug each other tight.
It doesn't matter where life takes us, we will get through every hurdle as a team.
The Davenport team.

The End

Authors note
And that is a wrap. Sick Chip Glitch is finished. So how did you guys like it? Good- Bad? I am so grateful for all those who commented and voted and supported me in any way. You guys are amazing and I am so excited that this book reached 1000 reads. Honestly you guys are so amazing and this book wouldn't be possible without you guys.
Thanks to Susz13 who actually suggested this book. I hope you liked it, but I also hope the rest of you guys liked it as well.
New books will be arising considering this one is done, so stay tuned. If you guys have any book suggestions please just let me know in the comments.
I can't even begin to tell you guys how grateful I am, for all your support.
Thanks for everything, and that is a wrap.
Till next time

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