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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch
" CHASE, CHASE, ANSWER ME CHASE" I cried in a hoarse voice. The smoke filled my lungs.
" GUYS LOOK OUT!" Leo screamed.
We turn around to see the building beginning to collapse in us.
"RUN!" I cried
As we all raced to the far end of the street.
It slowly collapsed as the fire continued to consume it.
" NOOO!" We all cry in unison as the building collapses leaving our brother trapped!

" NOOO!" Adam, Bree and I cry in unison
The building that was consumed by flames crashed down leaving Chase, our brother trapped.

Sirens echoed through the streets as pedestrians stared in shock. The ground erupted as the building took a large crash to the floor.
Adam was the first to run to the building, we all followed after him. We were about to run into the building before being pulled back by police officers.

" Stay back!" The officer ordered in a demanding tone
Adam looked like he was about to crush someone
" Sir our brother is in there, we have to rescue him!" Bree said on the verge of tears. The officer glanced back at the building, before returning his attention to us.

" Rescue teams are doing all they can, they will find your brother. Please just stay away!" He ordered
I stare at the officer in disbelief. The building was already consumed into flames, and it already crashed down. The chances of Chase being alive were slim and he wanted us to wait.

" Guys, we can't wait for the rescue teams. We have to go in there and rescue him ourselves." I say in a panicked voice.
We were suddenly pushed around by The rushing of several firefighters. The raced passed us activating their hoses, trying to put out the fire.
" GUYS WHAT DO WE DO?" Bree cries

Adam quickly grips onto my arm and Bree's arm and drags us to the side of the burning building.
" I'm going in guys. You guys stay out here while I go rescue Chase" Adam says
" No way I'm not going to lose you too. We go together, we are not splitting up. " Bree commands

The flames still roared as the building was still set a light in flames.
" I'll use my super speed to extinguish the fire as best I can. Once I'm done we will go in and find Chase" Bree says before speeding off around the building.

After about 4 minutes Bree reveals herself covered in ash, and the fire was soon extinguished.
" Good job Bree, now let's go find Chase!" I say before rushing in to the building.

Chase POV
I felt the weight of the building collapse down on me as it crushed me. My eyes were forced closed and I felt the pain take over my entire body.

I tried to push the beam off, of my body but fail miserably. I heard the crack of several bones in my body. I groan in pain again.
I was able to open my eyes a little, and I noticed that the fire had been extinguished. Suddenly I heard screams shouting my name. I recognised the voices they were my siblings.

" Guys" I croaked but struggled.
Suddenly another beam began to crack and smashed on top of me. I couldn't keep my eyes open any more and I finally give into the pain, before being consumed into darkness again.

Adam POV
As we walked through the remaining parts of the burning building we continued to cry out Chase's name but got no response.
" Guys, we have nearly searched the entire building and there is still no sign of Chase!" Bree states
Suddenly we heard a crashing a noise and a groan in pain
" GUYS THATS CHASE!" I cry as we take off to find him.

We come to a sudden halt when we reach a room full of collapsed beam.
" Adam, Chase is trapped under there" Bree says while pointing at the fallen beams. I catch a glimpse of Chase and quickly jump into action.

I quickly use my strength to lift the beams off of Chase. I wince at the horrid sight. Scratches, bruises and blood stained Chase's mission suit.
Ruble from the building began to collapse once more.
" We need to get out of here, now!" Leo says
I quickly pick up Chase's limp body and race out of the building, alongside Bree and Leo.

As we exit the building emergency crews gather around us. Nurses quickly raced over to us and took Chase away, resting him on a portable hospital bed. We tried to get close to Chase but were soon pushed back by the swarms of people that gathered around him.
" Hey that's our brother!" Bree cried while trying to push through the crowd.

Police officers soon pushed the crowd away. We began to walk close to Chase but were soon stopped by the same officer.
" You kids again! How many times must I tell you to back off." He growled.

" Listen officer no thanks to you guys, we had to rescue our brother. He is on the verge of death right now so of I were you, I would back off. " I shout as I push past him with Bree and Leo beside me. My blood boiled and my anger was only growing by the second.

Nurses gathered around Chase strapping him to the hospital bed. A nurse soon approached us and explained that they needed to get Chase to a hospital. Lights flashed and sirens echoed as Chase was lifted into the ambulance. The nurse directed us to the van and asked us to take a seat. I looked at Chase who looked so lifeless.

The sight was haunting and it pained me to see him like this. I rest my head on Chases chest, feeling only the slight movement of his chest going up and down. He was breathing but very weakly. Bree and Leo looked worried too. Bree's eyes were stained red from the tears that streamed down her face.

I looked at his current state,  his leg looked injured badly and his face was covered it ash and scratches. A deep scratch was gashed across his  forehead, and His eyes were squeezed.

" I'm so sorry Chase!" I whispered
" I just spoke to Mr Davenport he will meet us at the hospital" Bree said in a hush tone. Her voice cracked with every word.

We all exchange worried glances before sirens echoed through the street and flashing lights shone brightly. The van began driving off, leaving the van completely silent and everyone greatly worried.

Authors note
Hope you guys liked that. I am really enjoying writing this story and I would like to get your opinions on what else you think should happen. Thanks for all the votes and comments and I will see you in the next chapter.
Till next time AcroAng

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