You did what!

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Douglas POV

Everything was prepared. I set up the implantation device to all the capsules. All I needed to do was wait. I knew someone would walk in soon, training was nearly over. It was just a waiting game.

Chase POV
" Ok students that's it for today, remember your homework is due tomorrow." I inform as the students roll their heads back in annoyance.
" You know, you can be a real buzz kill." Bree comments
I ignore her and continue packing away the training equipment?
" I'm so glad training is over!" Adam exclaims
" You did nothing. You gave your students a bomb and said ' 10 seconds, Boom, fix it' " Leo explained
We laugh at his comment. It was true Adam's idea of training was putting his students on the spot expecting them to know what to do.
" Hey have you guys seen Douglas or Mr Davenport?" Bree asked
I shake my head.
" No I haven't seen Mr Davenport, but I did see Douglas in the mentor quarters earlier on. I'm going to go talk to him." I say before walking out of the room.
" Good idea, in the mean time we'll go find Mr Davenport"  I hear Bree say.

I walk into the mentor quarters and see Douglas rapidly typing into his computer.
" Hey Douglas what you doing? " I ask
He jumps in fright.
" Ohh Chase, your here, great. I need to do a scan of your chip for Donald he asked me to." He says through breaths
He seemed suspicious like he was hiding something, but this was Douglas. He is full of secrets.
" Are you ok? You seem a little jumpy and did you work things out with Mr Davenport " I ask while approaching him
" Ohh yeah me and Donny are rock solid now. We sorted it all out. No upgrade, no means no, I got the memo. Anyway to apologise to Donny, I offered to do your monthly scan of your chips. So quit talking and get walking, into your capsule!"He explains while pushing me along into my capsule.

Thoughts rushed through my mind. Why was he acting so suspicious? I shook the odd feeling and agreed to do the scan of my chip.
" Ok, ok. I'm glad you guys worked it out. " I say while walking into my capsule.
" Yeah, yeah best of brothers. Hurry up and get into your capsule" he prompts
I step into my capsule and close the door. I heard it lock. My suspicion only grew. I look around to the back of the capsule and see a weird looking device strapped to it, holding the USB that held the data for the new upgrade.
" Douglas why has the door locked, and why is the USB with the data for the new upgrade strapped to my capsule" I question.

He quickly glances at me with a guilty face before returning his attention to the keyboard.
" No reason" he silently says as his voice cracked
" Your lying. Your going to implant the bionic upgrade into my chip aren't you." I say in an angered voice
" No." He says as his voice cracked even more.
" Your lying again. You didn't even work anything out with Mr Davenport, you tricked me" I say as my fury grew. I thought he had changed. I can't believe I was so foolish, to let myself fall for his trick.
" Chase, calm down Donald just wouldn't listen and I figured the only why he would is if I showed him" he explains while trying to calm me down.
I couldn't believe his excuse.
" Douglas,  Mr Davenport hasn't even analysed it for anything dangerous. This upgrade could involve viruses" I say while trying To convince him to stop.
"  Chase I just want to prove myself to my brother. Besides I've analysed the data several times its fine." He exclaims.
This was crazy. I could only hope that it would have nothing went wrong, but it still didn't stop my ever growing concern.

Suddenly I felt my chip take a shock. I felt the USB getting stabbed into my neck. I groan in pain while gripping into Douglas's eyes.
" Douglas, I want out now." I scream while pounding on the doors.
The power from the USB was overpowering and I felt my body weakening. I squeezed  my eyes shut as the pain took over.
" Douglas you have to stop" I cry
He looks up at me and sees me struggling
" The upgrade, shouldn't be causing you that much pain. Ohh no" He says while looking at his computer in concern.
" Oh no. What do you mean by oh no? " I shout as I grip my hand around my neck.
The pain was taking over my entire body and my chipped ached. Shocks and sparks were erupting inside the capsule. My chip couldn't take much more. I couldn't rip the USB out of the device, that could only cause more damage.
" Ahhhhhhh" I shout before collapsing on the floor of my capsule. I continued trying to keep my self awake. I was too weak I couldn't pound on the door anymore and my legs had no strength.
" CHASE" Douglas cried while rushing to the door of the  capsule. He started pounding at it. He was  quickly able to disable the device strapped to the back of the capsule, but I had already felt the data enter the stream of my bionic chip.

" Douglas what's going on?" I ask between shaky breaths. It was hard to breath. My energy was being drained and I couldn't stay awake much longer.
" Something has gone wrong with the upgrade. It's not responding correctly, it's not responding with your bionics." He explains while trying to pound on the door. Although the device was disabled the capsule was still sealed shut and sparks of electricity erupted on the inside.
" We need help." Douglas says
Suddenly Adam, Bree, Leo and Mr Davenport was in. Thank God. I felt a zap and a shock to my neck. I let out a loud Yelp in pain before collapsing into a a cold dark sleep.

Davenport's POV

I finally finished my conference call and was currently talking to Adam, Bree and Leo.
" Just give him a chance Mr Davenport!" Bree stated
" I'm sorry Bree. All I said was that I was going to analyse the data first before any damage happens" I explain
They nod in agreement. I will apologise to Douglas eventually for snapping. I just needed some time to cool off,
Suddenly we heard a frightening scream
" That's Chase" Bree exclaims
" He is in the mentor quarters" Adam says
" Let's go" Leo says
In a blink of an eye we all, rush to the mentor quarters. I gasp at the sight.
Chase was on the floor of the capsule. His eyes closed, his hand wrapped around his neck and Douglas frantically pounding against Chase's capsule.
" Adam, quickly smash the door of the capsule" I order. Douglas saw me at that moment and quickly turned away.
Adam quickly acted  and knocked the door down. Shards of glass shattered everywhere and filled the room. Adam quickly picked Chase up and placed him on the couch.
I glance at Chase who was out cold. So pale.
" What did you do to him? " I shout in anger as I stare at Douglas
He didn't respond
" Answer me" I cry
He locks eyes with me with a face of guilt and regret.
" I gave him the upgrade but it went wrong." He says

Authors note
Ok finally done. I'm sorry if it's not that long, I had to try and write what I could in such little time. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and thank you once again for all your comments and votes, you guys are so awesome and supportive. 
So what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments and I'll be sure to update soon.
Until next time

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