Failing and Suspence

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Donald's POV

" You did what!" I shout after hearing what Douglas said.
" I'm sorry, I just wanted to show..." He started, but I cut him off
" You were just being selfish and now look what has come of it. We need to rush Chase to the infirmary and fast" I shout
Adam quickly picks Chase up and races out of the room.
" I'll meet you guys there" I shout before turning to Douglas
He didn't  look back.
" I can't believe what you have done? " I say in a hush voice
" I'm sorry, I just wanted to show you the new upgrade but you wouldn't listen." He explains
I stare at him now disbelief
" I never said no, I just said Wait till I analyse the data and because you didn't listen Chase has suffered serious injury. Why did Chase even agree to do this upgrade with you" I question him.
Surely Chase had to have played a part in this scheme.
" He didn't agree. I said I was doing a scan of his chip because ' you asked me to' then I implanted the upgrade into his chip. Chase had nothing to do with it, I tricked him " he explained
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
" I have to go, Chase needs help." I say before leaving the room.

Chase's POV
I felt and heard everything. I was awake but my eyes were closed. I found no strength in me to open them. I felt myself being rushed to the infirmary and put onto one of the beds.
" Where is Mr Davenport?" I hear Adam ask
" Talking to Douglas" a voice replied. I assumed it was Leo.
I slowly felt myself finding more strength in my body. I finally open my eyes to redeem my sight again. I breath heavily and slowly sit myself up properly.
" Chase are you ok? " Bree asked concerned
I look at her first, I was hesitant in my answer. I had an answer I just couldn't reply. I just nod my head in response. Of coarse I wasn't ok I just didn't want to worry her.
I didn't understand anything, I had the strength in me but every bone in my body ached. I couldn't complete simple tasks.
" CHASE are you ok?" I hear Mr Davenport cry before entering the room
All I could do was nod.
" What happened, I need you to tell me every detail." He exclaims
I couldn't respond at all my head was pounding, my chip ached and I was in shock of what had happened.
Finally I'm able to squeeze out a word.
" Upgrade" I say in a hush tone
" Douglas implanted the upgrade into my chip. He wanted to impress you. The data of the upgrade entered the stream of my bionic chip and after that everything after that became a blur. Shocks and sparks flew from every corner of the capsule until I felt a shock to my chip before passing out" I explain through heavy breaths.

Mr Davenport looks at me with great concern while taking in every word I say. His undivided attention was soon broken by the sound of Douglas walking in.
" Chase, I'm so sorry I never meant for it to go this far." He apologises with a sympathetic look.
" It's ok" I silently say while avoiding his eyes. To be honest I did even know if I meant what I said. He was the reason I was in this state, he tricked me. I didn't know what to think off him at that moment.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I scream in pain. The others look at me in shock.
" What's happening?" Bree questioned

Douglas quickly rips out a computer from behind him and frantically types things into it.
" The bionic upgrade, didn't sink or respond with his bionics properly. A virus has been released into his bionic chip." Douglas says
" What does that mean?"  Adam cries while trying to calm me down
Mr Davenport soon looks at the laptop before revealing the data of the bionic upgrade.
" It's destroying his bionic chip. He will continue to encounter sickness and disease until eventually his chip will be destroyed. Cut in the middle into 2 pieces" Mr Davenport says in a very silent voice.

I groan in pain as I feel the pain shock my entire body. I heard what Mr Davenport said, and it was like I was paralysed.
I feel Mr Davenport try and calm me down. My eyes are squeezed shut as I feel the pain pass through.
I let out a sigh of relief as the pain passes by. My breathing is shaky and I open my eyes.
" Chase, calm down its all right we are right here." He says in a calming voice.
I begin to calm down and I lay myself down to rest. I found myself in a state where I couldn't talk again. My frustration was growing.
" We need to do something and fast!" Douglas exclaims
Douglas looks at me in distress.
" Chase are you ok?" He asks
I must have looked lost. I couldn't get the words out properly.
" Can't, talk" I say in a shaky voice

Mr Davenport glances at me before returning his glaze to the laptop.
" Chase I don't know how to tell you this but until we find a cure, this upgrade will continue to cause you discomfort. It's destroying your chip on the inside. If we don't find a cure , your chip will be destroyed and may harm you further. You may never be bionic again" He says in a concerned voice.
I was speechless.
" This can't be true." I say.
They all look at me shocked, and concerned
" Mr Davenport what do we do? Where do we find the cure? " Bree asks eagerly
Mr Davenport and Douglas only look lost.
" We don't know" they both say in unison.
I get off, of the hospital bed and walk around. I couldn't believe it. I can't lose my bionics without it I don't know who I am. I wouldn't be mission leader.
" How do we find the cure?" I ask
" It's going to take some time." Mr Davenport says.
My fury was growing. I had nothing but pure anger for Douglas, I couldn't even look at him.
" Chase I'm so sorry, I never should have dragged you into this. It's all my fault" he says
I lock eyes with him. I don't say anything to him. I didn't have anything to say to him, and with that I storm out of the room.
" Chase wait" Bree started but I just left the room. I heard her and the others coming after me but I just ignored them.
As I reach the training area, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Not again I thought. My knees began to collapse again, 2 Students gathered around me and tried to help. I felt like I was going to pass out. I was light headed and felt my energy draining out of me. My chip ached and wince in pain as I feel my chip throbbed in pain. I cough violently and my entire body goes into a state of shock.
" A little banged up there aren't we" a voice bellowed

I quickly turn around along side the 2 other students to reveal the one person I never thought I'd see again.

Authors note
Cliffhanger. So who do you guys think the person is?  Will Chase be ok? Will the others find a cure before its to late?
A major twist is coming up so be prepared. Thanks for all your support guys and I'll see you in the next chapter.
Till next time

Sick Chip GlitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora