Chapter 5

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Chloe POV

After rehearsals, I walked to the parking lot with Lucy.  She had a noticeable skip in her step and was humming a cheerful tune with a big smile on her face.

"Well you're happy," I commented.

"Mm hm," she said, shanay-ing into a sodabox.  I laughed as she pointed her toes in her black Uggs. 

"Well, you can dance a lot better than I thought," I complimented her.

"Thanks," she smiled. 

"Especially in Uggs," we both giggled.  Lucy's mom pulled up in a black BMW.  "See you," I said.

"Yeah, tomorrow is competition day!"  She sodaboxed again and hopped into the car. 

My mom walked out of the studio holding Clara's hand.  Clara was dressed head to toe in pink with a big fluffy tutu that was as big as her.

"Hi, Chwoburd!"  Clara squealed, running up to me. 

"Hi, Clara!"  I picked her up despite how heavy she was. 

We drove home with Clara babbling all about what happened in ballet, and how Riley (a girl in her class) picked her nose, wiped it on her tutu, and then chased kids around the room, waving her tutu above her head. 

When we finally arrived at the competition from our hotel, we all ran into the green room.  Lucy and I walked in together, and sat down.  I felt someone watching me, and looked up to find Paige staring at us with a...jealous expression?  I found it hard to believe that Paige could ever be jealous of anybody, especially since she was practically perfect herself. She looked away and I realized I haven't talked to Paige since Lucy came.  We haven't texted, he haven't hung out, we haven't done anything. 

"Girls!"  I turned to see Abby standing at the door.  "What are you playing around for?  Get dressed!"  Lucy laughed softly and sat down on a bench to wait for everyone to get ready.  I grabbed my costume and went to go get dressed.  I changed into a black, long sleeve crop top and skirt, both made of fabric that gleamed like feathers when the light caught it.  My dance is a lyrical/contemporary number that starts off slow then gets really intense. Abby calls it The Falcon, a solo that really reminds me of one of my older solos, The Raven.  I sat down for hair and makeup and I'm done in no time.  I sit by Lucy and watch the other girls get ready.  Maddie is wearing a light pink bra top and bootie shorts that have both been bedazzled and trimmed with feathers.  Her dance was supposedly called Love Me Like You Used To.  Her solo wasn't to be aired on the show, so Kendall got one instead.  Brooke got a solo as well, so she has changed into a blue, brown and white swirled unitard for her solo Paradise

We all travel backstage to watch each other's solos.  Maddie is up first and her solo was beautiful like always.  As I watch her jazz walk off stage, we all rush to hug her to congratulate her.  As we do so, someone's foot jams into the back of my foot, sliding down my tendon.  I cry out softly as my ankle collapses from under me and I fall to the ground.

"Oh my God, Chloe, are you okay?"  Lucy stands above me, looking concerned. I'm sprawled on my back my left ankle throbbing harshly, and Lucy is the only one who bothers to ask if I'm okay? 

"I'm fine," I say.  "Can you help me stand up?"  I watched as Kendall strode out onto the stage, her costume glittering in the spotlight.  Her solo was the one right before mine.

"Um, sure," Lucy said, reaching out to me, unsure of my condition.  I took her hand and hefted all of my weight onto my right side, my left ankle still throbbing.  "You're sure you're okay?"  She checked.

 "Yes," I lied.  I waited for her to turn her back before I tried to put weight onto my left foot.  The foot I turn on.  Great.  As soon as I put a little weight on it, my ankle collapsed.  But this time caught myself before I could make a huge sound.  I couldn't compete like this!  How was I supposed to turn?  I should go tell my mom, but my number was going to be called in thirty seconds! 

"Next up, number 33, Chloe, with The Falcon!"  I heard the announcer call.  I decided to still go on, with or without a healthy ankle.  I knew I would regret it, but did I have a choice?

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