Chapter 15

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Lucy POV

I held my head high when Chloe and I walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh, I thought they would never come out, I mean, what were they even doing in there?"  I heard Maddie whisper to a guy standing next to her. 

"Oh, that's easy," Chloe said, walking right up to Maddie, "We were just betting on whether or not you would still have friends after what you did tonight."

Maddie just smiled, "You know, Chloe, I think you lost the bet,"

"Did I?" Chloe said just when the guy Maddie had been whispering to walked away from her shaking his head.  Maddie's smile faltered but somehow managed to stay intact.

"Come on Chloe," I said, grabbing her arm.  "Maddie is a waste of our breath,"

"Yeah," Maddie said, narrowing her eyes.  "Especially since after Saturday's competition, Lucy will loose so badly that she won't have any breath."

"Just keep dreaming, Maddie," I said, turning away.  Chloe guided me over to the refreshments table.  She offered me some punch and I took it.

"How much would you like to sneak up to Maddie's room and dump this in her bed?"  I asked suddenly, swirling the punch in my cup and eyeing the stairs curiously.

"A lot," Chloe admitted, smiling deviously.

"Let's go," I said, leading the way.

After Chloe and I dumped the punch under Maddie's covers, we found some shaving cream in a cabinet and added that to the mix.  We didn't stay too long after we pulled the prank.  I was nervous that Maddie would find it before we left and completely blame it on us.  Chloe wanted to leave too, but for a more practical reason; girls and guys had started stripping down to their undergarments to go swimming in Maddie's infinity pool.  We said goodbye to everyone except Maddie, and left out the front door.  Just before the door closed, I saw Maddie to a front ariel into the pool.  I suddenly felt sick and nervous for Saturday; what if I lost to Maddie?

I suddenly felt just the way I did on my first day at the ALDC.  With more and more what-if's flooding into my head, Chloe and I walked to her house.

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