Chapter 14

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Chloe POV

"Why would she do something like that???" Lucy sobbed into my shoulder, soaking my shirt.  "I thought Maddie liked me."

"I really shouldn't be saying this, but I knew this was a bad idea."  I said, as Lucy glared at me with puffy eyes.

"I know but I didn't think she'd stoop this low!" Lucy said, sniffing.  "I can't believe that I was stupid enough to fall for her trick."

"You're not stupid," I said to her, hugging her.  "You were just too trusting."

"How come I was the only one who dressed up?"  Lucy asked, looking at my regular clothes.

"Well, I received a text message from Maddie this morning saying that she was texting everyone that the theme of the party was going to change because she didn't want it to be too much of a hassle.  She said that I wasn't supposed to dress up and that it was going to be a casual party."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I asked Maddie if she wanted me to text anyone to get the word out, but she said no and that she could do it herself."

"And you didn't suspect it?"

"Well, no," I said, uncomfortably, "But what we can do now is still go to the party, but you'll be pleased to know that I brought a change of clothes in case something happened."

Lucy wiped her eyes, "I want to go home,"

"I know, but all Maddie wanted was to make you feel inferior, so the best way to get back at her is show her that you don't care and go to the party anyway."

"Okay," Lucy said, "You mentioned something about other clothes?"

"Yes, makeup too,"

"Oh, I love you!" Lucy exclaimed, hugging me.

Fifteen minutes later, Lucy was in my extra pair of clothes.  She wore cream colored lace shorts with a brown leather braided belt, white high-top converse, a blouse that said, "You can't sit with us", and a loose black sweater. 

"You look really good," I said, watching her scowl at herself in the mirror.  I did her makeup because her hands wouldn't stop shaking. 

"I don't feel good," Lucy said, gingerly touching a bruise that stood out against the fair skin of her knee. 

"Well, I wouldn't either if that had happened to me," I said sympathetically.

Lucy smiled grimly, "I just don't understand why a reality TV star would feel the need to downgrade a newbie like me to make herself feel better."

"That is really odd," I reasoned.  "She probably wanted you to feel so inferior that when you are going up against her at Nationals in two days you would fail and she would feel no pressure what-so-ever in competing for the title."

"Dance is cruel," Lucy said, glaring at the tiled floor.

"No, it's only cruel at Abby Lee," I corrected.  Lucy half-smiled and together we stepped out of the bathroom to face the wrath of Maddie Ziegler.

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