Chapter 12

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Lucy POV

I still couldn't get over the fact the Chloe would keep something like that from me. I was going to be competing a freaking NATIONALS!!!! I was way, way more nervous about my solo now that I knew this was Nationals. What if I don't win? Will I be kicked off??? This extremely troubled me. I was going to Nationals. My heart started racing at the thought of going up against Maddie, what if I beat her and she hates me or even worse had abby take me off the team.

I sat down with a blank look covering my face chloe sat next to me almost silent.

"Lucy if you need anything just, um, call me and please please don't be mad at me." I turned around to face her and I hugged her. How could I be mad. I mean I was at first but not anymore.

"Look Chlo," I said, trying to comfort her. "I forgive you for not telling me. I'm starting to understand how important it is for someone to not mention that this is Nationals." Chloe nodded and wiped a tear off of her face.

"By the way, Lucimoosie," Chloe said, leaning in so that she was closer to me. "I want you to know that if I could bet on who would win the junior solo division at the competition, I would, with no doubt in my mind, bet on you."

"Thanks Chloe," I said, half-smiling.  I really couldn't blame her for this, not that I planned to, but still, Chloe was like a big sister.  She was always looking out for me.  Together we strode out of the bathroom.

 "Lucy," a voice said.  I turned to see Maddie rushing towards us.  "Hey,"  she said, smiling at me.  This is odd, Maddie usually doesn't pay me very much attention.  "Guess what?"

Before I could say, "What?" she continued.

"I'm hosting a costume party at my house tomorrow and there are lots of girls from the ALDC coming and so I thought you might want to come so that you could meet other girls."  Maddie said.  Did Maddie Ziegler just invite me to her house for a costume party?

"Oh," I said stupidly.  Chloe glanced at me nervously.

"And ya wanna know the bast part?"  Maddie asked, smiling mischeviously.  "There's gonna be bo-oys!"

"Um, I don't think Lucy can go," Chloe cut in, putting a hand on my stomach as though she was trying to stop me from falling into a pit of snakes.

"You know Chloe," Maddie said, examining her nails.  "You can come too."

"Um, no thanks," Chloe said, looking slightly frustrated.

"Chloe come on," I said.  I wanted to go badly but I also thought it would be a good time to find out just what the Zieglers thought of me.  "We could go together," I gave Chloe a pointed look and she understood my thinking.

"Oh alright," Chloe said, still studying me.

"Yay!" Maddie squealed, looking like we had just made her day.  "The invitation is in the mail!"  And with that, she flounced away, the dress that she was wearing over her dance wear fluttering behind her.

As soon as she was out of sight, Chloe turned on me.  "What are you thinking?"

"Well this is the first party I have been invited to since I moved here, and I think it will be a good oportunity for us to see if Maddie has anything against me."  I reasoned.

"Okay, but I don't like the sound of a party with boys.  Things could get, you know, sexual."

"Relax Chlo," I said, giggling slightly.  "If it does get that way, I promise we'll leave."

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