Chapter 10

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Chloe POV

I came to the studio every day, even though I couldn't dance, which made me extremely sad.  I would watch Lucy dance and cheer her on.  Sometimes, I would watch from a seat in the studio, other times I would be up with the moms.  Sometimes, before I came up, I would hang back and listen to their conversations.  I don't know why.  Maybe because I had nothing better to do with my life at the moment.  Most of the moms' talk was on things like where they recently went shopping for dance wear, or why they wanted their daughter to have a solo instead of Maddie. 

On Thursday afternoon, I watched all the moms tramp upstairs begrudgingly.  I went into the bathroom as cover-up, and came back out and sat down on the stairs.  Talk was boring a usual; I listened as Jill complained about how one of her cowboy hats ripped last Saturday, and just when I was going to walk upstairs myself, Melissa spoke, which kept me in my place at the bottom stair.

"I wish that Maddie was the only one given a solo," Melissa sighed. 

"Why?" Jill asked, a little too eager. 

"Well, Lucy's new and she's just still a budding dancer--"

"A budding dancer?"  Lilian asked, shocked.  I agree, Lucy was anything but a budding dancer.

"Well, yes and because she's new on the team, I don't think she should get a solo."  Melissa says, calmly.

"Just because she's new on the team, doesn't mean she shouldn't get a solo.  Besides, she's earned it."  Lilian says, defending Lucy.

"Yes, it does, Lilian," Melissa said, now under a forced calm.  Uh oh, I thought Here we go...

"No, you're just afraid that Lucy will beat Maddie.  That's why you don't want her to have a solo."  Lilian said.  I suddenly felt really uncomfortable about listening in on their conversation.  But you have to stay, I told myself  You have to tell Lucy! 

"No, Lucy will not beat Maddie, because Maddie is amazing, and you're daughter has only been here for a week!  There is no way that Lucy is going to beat Maddie."  Melissa said.  And I could tell she was finding it hard to stick with the argument.  Melissa just isn't the kind of person who fights, she's the kind of person who lets you think you've won, and then ambushes you. 

"No she won't Melissa.  Wake up and smell the flowers."  Lilian said.

 For once I felt exactly the same way as Holly did when a fight started to bloom: uncomfortable and awkward. 

"No, I won't," Melissa said, and I heard the creaking of floorboards.  I stood up as quickly as I could without hurting myself.  Melissa was about to come downstairs.  "I know that Maddie is beautiful, and that Lucy is new on the team, and nothing will ever get me to believe that Lucy is better than Maddie."

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