Chapter 17

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Jason's pov

Me and Luke were hanging out, being stupid, getting drunk. "Hey let's take a spin in the bronco." He says. "I uh I don't know about this Luke. You've had like 6 beers." I say, taking my hat off and pouring beer on myself to cool off. He laughs. "No I haven't. It's more like..... Nine." "Even worse, ya dumbass." I say, laughing. He climbs in his bronco. "Don't tell me you're scared!" He says, making my eyes go wide. My hat and beer fall from my hands. "You're steppin' on bad territory Luke. I'm just-" "A big fat chicken!" He teases, interrupting me. My hands twitch with annoyance. "You're on boy!" I run to my truck and grab my ball cap, turning it backwards. I stick my head out the window. "How far we goin'?" He stands up, coming out of the top of his bronco. "All the way to the deer stand. You think you can handle that, Aldean?" He calls laughing. "Grr." I glare at him angrily. "I'm gonna whoop your butt all the way back to Leesburg, Georgia!" I shout. I'm so competitive. He sits back down. "You ready?" He asks, smiling. "Aldean's about to blow it up." I growl, tightening my grip on the wheel. He revs the engine and I do the same. "GO!" He yells and I hammer the gas. We both take off neck and neck. The tree coming into view. Luke speeds up. Shit! I'm gonna lose! I slow down and step out furious but Luke keeps going! "Luke! Luke stop!" I yell, running over. He presses the brakes too late and skids in the soft muddy grass. "LUKE!" I yell horrified as he flips and smashes into a tree. My hands are shaking. "L-Luke?!" I fling open his door. There's blood everywhere. I stumble back horrified. Brittany and Caroline run out. "We heard an- Oh my God!" Caroline runs to him. Brittany rests a hand on my shoulder. "Don't let the girls see this." I choke out, shaking. I shakily stand up. "C-Caroline.... Is he alive?" I ask worried. "What the hell happened?" She screams, spinning around. I trip over my feet and fall on my butt again in surprise. "I-I don't know! W-We were racing! And h-he wouldn't stop the b-bronco..... I d-don't know why!" I gasp, trying not to cry. "Please tell me Luke's okay!" "Brittany, call an ambulance!" She says, turning back to him. "Caro-" "Shut up, Jason." "Daddy, what was that exploding sound?" Oh shit the kids!! I quickly stand up and run to the house. Bo and Sierra were about to come out. "Stay inside kids." I gasp, walking in and closing the door behind me. Miranda gives me a worried look but I'm not telling anyone until I know if Luke is alive or dead.


We were at the hospital, a blanket around a shaking, crying Caroline. I'm still sorta drunk so I'm completely rambling and mumbling to myself while pacing back and forth. The doctor walks out. "Was he under the influence?" He asks. "Yes! We'd been drinking! That doesn't matter! Is my friend okay?!" He sighs. "I'm sorry. His injuries were too extensive. He died on the operating table." I stumble back horrified and hear Caroline screaming. Oh my God! My best friend is dead!! I take off running and trip over a chair on the way out the door. "LUKE!!!!!" I can hear myself screaming his name at the wreckage. I get in my truck, my whole body trembling. I try to get the key in the ignition, completely freaking out. He died on the operating table! He's dead! It's your fault! You just had to race him! My mind screams at me. "Shut up!" I yell covering my ears and getting the key in. I hit the gas and hear the sound of burning rubber. The next thing I know a telephone pole is speeding towards me and I black out.


"Jason, Jason wake up!" "Huh? What's.... Going on?" I mumble, sitting up. Luke laughs. I'm shocked. "Luke!" I gasp, gladly. "You passed out man. Anyways that race?" He asks. "NOO!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Whoa, Jay, you okay?" I shakily stand up. The bronco isn't flipped. Luke isn't dead. I pinch myself to make sure. I'm awake now. He looks at me weird. "Why don't ya wanna race?" He asks. "Cause we're under the influence Luke, don't be irresponsible!! Think of your boys, Luke! Do you want them to grow up without you?!!" "Whoa! Jason, cool it, what the hell!?" I'm close to freaking out again. "Luke you promise me you won't get in your bronco. You won't drive it drunk!" "Jason, you're freaking me out. What's wrong?" "Gimme your keys." I say, shakily. He hands them over. "Jason, I think you need to rest." I nod and sit down. I feel the warm sunshine on my face. Luke's okay. He's not dead. It was just a dream. A drunk stroke of luck dream. I just know if we raced, I woulda lost my best buddy. Instead he sits beside me and smiles. "Hey Jay, what do ya think Jess is doing?" I freeze and look at him. "L-Luke..... Why?" "I uh I'm sorry. That's the alcohol talkin'! You okay bro?" I glance down at the tattoo on my arm. "Yeah man, I'm cool." So is she.

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