They Don't Know About Us

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Prompt: Perrie and Jade have been keeping their relationship in private but once they get to tell it to the world, Jade was suddenly saddened by the bad reviews from other people but Perrie reassures her that everything would be fine.


"What a night!" Leigh-anne screamed as she plopped herself on the couch.

"Yep...tonight was epic!" Jesy agreed with her and sat next to Leigh. "Especially to those two." She grinned at the two younger members.

Little Mix have performed their last show for the tour and so far, it was very successful. Everybody was happy and glad because all their hardwork had paid off and the fans was very proud of them. Of course, including their families and friends.

But that wasn't just the reason to why tonight was epic, atleast just to Jade and Perrie.

It happened that tonight, they've told the world about their relationship. Yes, Jade and Perrie have been a couple for almost 2 years now and still going stronger. All their friends and families know, and now, the whole world knows too. The 'jerrie' fans were way more than happy about the sudden news while the other fans at the arena last night were proud of them.

Speaking of Jade and Perrie, they were both busy chit chatting on the other couch opposite to Jesy and Leigh's. They were too occupied with each other that's why they hadn't noticed Leigh asking them.

"Sorry, what was it Lee?" Jade answered for the both of them since Perrie nuzzled her face onto the crook of Jade's neck since she was clingy tonight.

"I said, do you guys want to come and celebrate tonight with us?" She asked for the second time tonight.

Jade's eyes sparkled as she heard Leigh's question. She sure wanted to go out tonight. She and Perrie was happy to what came out of their sudden confession and she wanted to celebrate it. And besides, they all deserve a few drinks tonight because the tour was a huge success.

"Where we'll be going?" Jade asked excitedly.

"Well, Jesy here told me that there was a new club a few blocks away from here and we wanna go there to check it out. You guys coming?" Leigh said.

Jade was about to reply but Perrie covered her mouth using her index finger and groaned. They all know that Jade was party-goer while Perrie isn't and they all know that even if they deserved to have this night all to themselves, Perrie still wouldn't go.

"How about we just stay here and sleep? C'mon guys, we're all tired. We haven't had any sleep this entire month and I suggest that we should just go and lay on the bed and find our ways to sleep. How about that?" Perrie suggested but Jesy threw a pillow at her and laughed, along with Leigh.

Perrie was just lazy to go out tonight, no doubt about that. But the three girls were sure that she'll be coming along with them at the end of the night because she couldn't take it if Jade wasn't by her side at any time.

"We could get that enough sleep after this Pez. Come on, you guys deserve this night for a celebration, we all do. Now get off your lazy arse and fix yourself." Jesy said but Perrie shook her head.

"Me and Jade would just celebrate at our flat tonight. Just the two of us. You're free to come if you'd like but I guess you guys won't be coming at all because you wanted to 'celebrate'." Perrie said and quoted the last word that made Jade laugh. Even the smallest thing that Perrie does makes her laugh.

"And what made you think that Jade would choose to celebrate at your flat instead of that new club, hmm?" Jesy asked, obviously testing if Perrie have any comeback to what she said.

JERRIE One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora