Focusing Fluttershy

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This probably wasn't going to be very enjoyable. But all the same, Twilight had trained herself to believe that when you were faced with something you didn't understand, you wrote down absolutely everything you could think of about it, then organised that. Then you could see where the holes in your knowledge were, and sometimes it turned out you knew enough to understand it already when it was all put down neatly together.

The quill moved slowly across the page, then underlined the words 'What is Wrong With Twilight Sparkle."

Okay. That much was a start. Now she just had to keep going until it made sense.

Twilight sat in her library, away from the guest bedroom (which was rapidly becoming the orgy bedroom), looking out at the leaves and sunshine outside. A small breeze wafted through the slightly open window, not quite strong enough to ruffle her parchment, carrying the scent of fresh growing things. Her quill hovered in a purple glow, waiting.

"Twilight is controlling her friends." she said slowly, writing as she spoke. "Twilight is doing something she full well knows isn't ethical, because she really wants to." She paused. "Okay. So the question is, what do I want, and why do I want it?"

What she wanted was obvious. Images of her friends flashed into her mind, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow following quickly one after another, each posed sensually or straight backed and blank eyed. "I'm... getting addicted to controlling people. It feels good to enchant ponies to do what I want, and really good to see them mesmerised. I don't want to hurt anyone, everyone I enchant should be happy about it. Even if I have to change their mind to make them happy."

"Um. I've, well, influenced three of my closest friends. Isn't that enough?" she asked herself aloud, before shaking her head. "No. I want Fluttershy, and maybe even Pinkie. It would make things much easier if I had all of them, then no one would notice anything was wrong."

She paused, and bit her lip. "Actually, I'm kind of nervous about trying this on Pinkie. I don't know how she'll respond to the spell. I still suspect she's inherited something of Discord's powers through her family line, and if anyone would react weirdly to the spell, it'd be her. Fluttershy though... she's cute, and sweet, and has the biggest chest in town. It would be really exciting to see Fluttershy acting confident, or slutty."

Twilight's eyes focused distantly. "Or Zecora. She's so exotic, I'd love to control her and make her obey me. Or Vinyl Scratch, she's cute. Or even Miss Cheerilee. I could make her think she was a naughty student coming to her teacher after class for some special training. Or I could make her think I was a student that had grown up and come back to her school, then seduce her. That would be very fun. I could gently cane her! I don't think she would ever do that to a student, but there must be one somewhere..."

Her voice trailed off. All of a sudden, awareness struck home that she was gently rubbing the heel of her hand up and down her soft cotton panties, and her quill had stilled several moments before. Blushing pinkly, she straightened up and put her arms by her sides. 'Twilight Sparkle has trouble concentrating on this subject without getting diverted.' she wrote. Was there anyone outside Ponyville she wanted? It was certainly tempting to picture the Great and Powerful Trixie returning to town, and for Twilight to stop all her nonsense cold with a wave of her horn. Trixie could be much better behaved as an enchanted sextoy. Maybe a footstool, like Rarity sometimes was.

No, no, no. She was getting distracted again. That was enough of who she wanted. An image of Celestia's pastel mane and gentle smile suddenly flashed into her thoughts, and she pushed it away so quickly she was barely aware it had even come and gone. No. The question was why? What was causing... causing all this?

First possibility. "The charm influences the caster as well as the subject." She gave it its own column. Second possibility. "My morals aren't strong enough to stand up against temptation. I had pre-existing desires for this and didn't realise because I'd never had a chance to explore them." That was a bit long for a column heading, but she left it anyway.

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