Focusing Zecora

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Twilight felt the hysterical giggle trying to rise to her lips, and pressed it down firmly. If she started, she wasn't sure she'd ever stop.

Princess Luna, the glorious Princess of the Night, the magnificent, the powerful, the endlessly beautiful, was kneeling mindlessly in her living room. Her power, her magic and her perfect body were hers to command, her mind hers to reshape into whatever she wanted.

Her hand trembled as she wrote, out of practice at writing with her hand, but her magic still throbbed with the dull ache of overuse. The first line read 'What.' This had been crossed out. Below, it continued 'Why did Princess Luna come here? Is this another failsafe? Why did she only enter her charmed state when she crossed the doorway? Does anyone know she's here? Does anyone know about me? Will Celestia notice her absence? Have I gotten away with it? Why did she say so much when she awakened?'

It was the middle of the night. At the very least, her absence probably wouldn't be noticed until morning...

Twilight looked out of a high window, at the moon shining gently between the branches. A moment of stillness came and went, then Twilight began to giggle. It broke into heaving laughter, hysterical, borderline terrified, and it took her several minutes before she could rein it in. Finally, clinging to the dresser, she managed to write 'Don't forget to make Luna lower the moon.'

She had literally taken possession of the Goddess of Night. The knowledge kept forcing little trembling giggles of disbelief past her lips, even as she dragged a chair across the floor and sat down before Luna's motionless form. She took a deep breath.


"P-Princess Luna."

Luna's gaze hadn't ceased tracking her since the moment she knelt, but somehow, she seemed to listen more intensely upon being addressed. She wore the dark blue tunic and breeches from Twilight's dream, small, modest cut outs exposing the cutie marks on her thighs. She was power and grace, dignity personified, and she was still kneeling on Twilight's floor. Her hair billowed soundlessly despite the lack of breeze.

"I. Um. Why did you come here?"

"I was not in thy presence, my Goddess." Luna replied with serene sincerity.

She hadn't ever experimented with triggering any of the others when she wasn't standing right next to them. Or was it a safeguard against triggering someone in public? No, that couldn't be it. She'd awakened Applejack in front of Rarity, and even if Rarity had been under her control too by then, Applejack couldn't have known that. Unless the spell did. She'd have to try it somehow. That would mean triggering one of her toys - her friends, she corrected firmly - in front of someone she didn't yet possess, but she could always charm them afterwards...

Triggering the charm at a distance was harder. Maybe she could make something to relay her voice, and try that under controlled conditions? Surely a recording of her voice wouldn't work, or the charm would be horribly insecure... She made rapid notes. Clearly she'd been spending too much time having sex and not nearly enough time experimenting to find out more of the charm's rules.

Twilight looked up. "Do you have to come to the person who charmed you when you're awakened?"

"Yes, my Goddess."

Still, that didn't explain why she'd come inside first. Was she compelled to seek privacy first? "Luna, why didn't you awaken as soon as I opened the door?"

"I was not in the same location as you were, my Goddess."

Objecting 'Yes, you were' wouldn't achieve anything. She had to phrase the question better. She really had to find out why Luna kept addressing her like that, too. "Where was I, and where were you, when I opened the door?" she hazarded.

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