The Game Ends

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Six ponies and one zebra stood on the Ponyville train platform, waiting for a train.

It was an oddly mundane moment, Twilight thought. This was it, this was the culmination of everything she'd been working towards. Luna had had a whole day to fall into Celestia's hands. Twilight had taken a draught mixed by Zecora to make sure she slept dreamlessly the night before, just to be sure she couldn't give anything away while she slept, and commanded everypony that knew anything about her plans to forget when they went to bed, and not remember until they woke in the morning. Trixie awaited their arrival in Canterlot. Spike had delivered a summons to Spitfire, and the flame-haired Wonderbolt was now in possession of four sets of earmuffs, four doses of sleeping powder, and most importantly, had received her orders.

Every part of their preparation had been secret. Even Luna hadn't known exactly when Twilight intended to act. So here they were, taking the most mundane route possible to the city, to the inevitable confrontation with her dearest mentor and greatest threat.

Six ponies and one zebra, waiting for a train. Twilight subtly rubbed the back of her hand across her chest, wincing slightly at the soreness.

Pinkie was plainly nervous, speaking twice as fast as usual as she chattered intensely at Rainbow Dash. Zecora and Applejack were reassuring Rarity, and Twilight herself was absently stroking Fluttershy's mane as the quiet pony pressed against her for comfort. The plan was simple, and she'd talked it to death before they'd left for the station. Now, in public, with other ponies boredly shuffling back and forth across the platform, she didn't dare say a word about it. The entire thing rested on secrecy, and surprise. She hadn't even told her friends the whole thing.

The brisk chuff-chuff of the approaching train broke into her thoughts, and she felt an immediate surge of overwhelming gratitude. The waiting was driving her crazy. And she'd thought it had been bad the first time they'd set out to challenge Celestia!

Carriages swept past, one after another, gradually slowing. Billowing steam, the train settled to a stop. A door near the front of the train opened, and a young-looking lavender colt in a conductor's uniform stepped out of the lead carriage. Lifting a silvery whistle from where it dangled on a strap, he blew a sharp note, freezing ponies in the act of reaching for the carriage doors.

"Ah-hem! I am sorry to announce that no passengers are permitted to board this reserved train, mares and gentlecolts. Please step back from the train - there will be another train shortly, which will allow you to continue on your expected journeys."

"Oh, come on!" protested Rainbow Dash. "We're kind of in a hurry, here!"

Twilight resisted the urge to facepalm. Rainbow was terrible at secrets.

The conductor turned towards Rainbow, and bowed. "Not to worry, Ma'am. This train is for you. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

Fluttershy went rigid against Twilight's side.

"Ah - and why would that be the case?" Rarity inquired with measured calm.

The colt straightened his back further, if possible. "Princess Celestia's orders, Ma'am! She would like me to announce that the staff of the train are earth ponies, and if Twilight Sparkle would kindly restrain herself until Canterlot, we're under instructions to convey you there with speed and comfort, Ma'am!" There was a trace of confusion to his disciplined expression, not fully understanding the meaning of the words he'd been given.

Twilight's hand tightened into a fist at her side. Celestia knew she was coming, and so she'd put on a train full of ponies incapable of using the charm, and politely asked - asked - Twilight not to charm them in return. It was an almost kindly, benevolent gesture, one that felt like Celestia's hot breath on the back of her neck. Twilight's tail twitched with agitation.

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