Focusing Pinkie Pie

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Twilight floated through an endless library, columns of books stretching floor to ceiling all around her, their covers clean, bright and inviting. At any moment, she could sweep in, pluck one from a shelf and settle down to read, but for the time being she was content just to drift, surrounded by knowledge. The ceiling was, in some strange trick, also the night sky, both close by and very far away, and stars shone softly among the jet black arches.

Warmth tingled in her body, a soft, relaxed pleasure, and she was unsurprised to find herself naked. Her hands roamed slowly over herself with a pleasant lack of haste, drifting up and down between her legs and gently catching her nipples between her fingers. It felt wonderful. A gentle realisation crept over her that she was dreaming, and even as she acknowledged it was so, she felt everything fade around her into darkness and warmth.

Her eyes half opened, and gradually focused on the sweepings pattern of wood grain above her head. She was in her bed. A deep, soft sigh escaped her as a warm mouth drifted over her sex, and she let her head fall loosely back against the pillows. "Oh, yesss..." she murmured sleepily.

"Good morning, Twilight." Luna was gazing at her, her star filled mane spread out like a cloud across the pillow. That meant that the pony between her legs had to be - yes, it was Zecora. "Were thy dreams pleasant?" she added.

"Mmm. Yes. I was having the most wonderful dream. Ah! Ahhh. Mmm." Twilight nodded dazedly, only half awake, and fully distracted by each delicious sweep of the enslaved pony's tongue. Slave. Yes, that was what she'd made Zecora. Her eager slave. Her hips shifted at the thought, and a quicker gasp escaped her hips as she rocked against a renewed tongue lashing. Muffled groans of adoring pleasure escaped the shape beneath the blanket.

Luna smiled, lowering her head a little with another touch of the odd shyness Twilight had begun to notice about her. "It was my gift to you, Twilight. Memories of what the library once looked like, in the castle I shared with my sister long ago. I had hoped for thy approval."

Twilight looked over at her, momentarily distracted from the pleasure rising softly but surely in her body. A sincere smile on her lips, she answered "Thank you, for everything you showed me. It was really beautiful. It seemed familiar somehow, but I didn't know why. I've only ever seen it in ruins."

"Truly, it is a shame that it is so harmed by wind and weather. I would have wished to walk through it at your side, as it once was." Luna replied quietly.

"But there's a library in Canterlot, we could explore that together if you like!" offered Twilight, then gasped as Zecora flicked her tongue up and down against her clit, stealing her attention back for herself.

Luna laughed quietly. "Zecora also wished to express her appreciation of thy deeds. Enjoy her attentions; I shall not leave if you are to pay attention to her tongue before my own."

That put images of Luna taking Zecora's place firmly in Twilight's thoughts, regardless of what she'd actually meant. As far as Luna was concerned, she'd been stripped to sleep with Twilight, then again to stand beside Zecora before they all found Twilight's bed. She might know she'd been charmed, but she didn't remember being touched... only kissed, once.

She could fix that.

Spreading her legs a little wider to give Zecora better access and groaning appreciatively, she murmured "That's wonderful, Zecora. Yes. Yes... yes." Taking a deep breath, she added "Princess?"

Luna looked over into her eyes. "-yes?"

Twilight quelled an irrational little tingle of nervousness, and said with a smile "Kiss me?"

Luna hesitated, then gave a tentative smile in return. "If that is thy desire, Twilight." She leant up on one arm and carefully lowered her lips to Twilight's. Twilight inhaled deeply, returning the kiss gently and without haste. A little whimper escaped from her as Zecora's warm breath tickled her damp skin and the kiss deepened. Her eyes were closed now, and her world had shrank to the touches of their warm lips on her body.

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