On Reflection

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Twilight was frozen rigid where she sat, paralysed with shock. In front of her, a coded mass of parchment sat, the yet-to-be-deciphered instructions on how to take control of any pony in the world. Even one as powerful as the Princess of the Night. To her right, Princess Luna hovered with powerful beats of her wide wings, stirring the leaves of the tree into sibilant whispers. The sunlight was eclipsed by the cloud of her mane and tail, flowing masses of darkness and distant stars.

"Now, Twilight Sparkle, you will come with me," she intoned, her voice filled with unshakable intent.

"No. Whatever you believe, you are the one who is going to leave."

Zecora moved so quickly Twilight barely saw her; she was just suddenly there, obscuring her view of Luna. Her body was tensed, ready to fight, even though she had nothing in her hands, and wore only her delicate nightie.

Luna stepped through the window and landed on the rug, folding her wings behind her. She wore nondescript dark clothes that covered her cutie mark. "I know of thy beliefs, Zecora. You wouldst think thyself loyal only to Twilight Sparkle. Even so, there may be hidden instructions which you do not know, and do not dream of. You must remain here."

"Do you claim to serve her too? You claim that she may trust you?"

"I do. I cannot answer any other of thy questions. The risk is too great." Luna's eyes were hard, and she spoke unflinchingly.

"I do not believe what you say is true. You are here to steal her mind anew." Zecora glared in return, moving in tandem with Luna to keep her from seeing Twilight clearly.

"I must take her far from here, where it is safe. As much as I admire thy spirit, you cannot stop me, Zecora."

"You may be surprised if we come to blows. I have powers I have yet to disclose."

"It may be that it would be safer to put you down now, so that I may speak to Twilight alone."

"Try to defeat me, if you dare. We shall see how well you fare."

Twilight, who had watched the confrontation spiral out of control with her mouth open, unable to move or think, suddenly found her voice. "Stop! Just - stop it!"

Zecora glanced back, then focused on Luna's face again. Forced to obey, she lowered her hands and stepped aside, though she continued to protest, "Her fealty is mere pretend! It is you I must defend."

"I have served Twilight with more loyalty than any, thyself included, since my sister took away her memory of us-" Luna began heatedly.

"Stop!" Twilight said again. Both ponies fell silent, though reluctantly. "Princess, what are you doing here? How did you know? Do you - remember?"

Luna tossed her mane. "I remember all that you have done to me. Thy instructions to forget what you had had me do while in the presence of my sister have protected me. I have watched you, these long months, spying upon you whenever I dared whilst I maintained the pretence of touring Equestria. I was certain that you should not be defeated so simply, not after you hadst conquered me. Your dreams hinted that you had remembered, and I travelled here as swiftly as I could. My frustration that you had not the charm, had not rediscovered the means by which I might restore you, was great. Now, at last, your preparation and my vigil have come to an end. You must come."

Twilight bit her lip. She hadn't seen Luna in months, certainly not since the revelation that she had placed her under a thought-controlling charm. She was... embarrassed, and afraid of what Luna might want with her, that much was definitely true, but that wasn't all of it.

She was curious.

"Princess Luna. If I refuse to go with you, or order you to stop trying, what will you do?" she asked, surprising herself with how level her voice was.

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