Over the Moon

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"I am not convinced thy treatment of Trixie is fair, Twilight. Even if she hadst intended thy betrayal and destruction."

"I've seen the results of what she wanted to do to me, Princess."

"Then you must have done what she had desired to do. To whom?"

"I... charmed a guard, at the vault. The vault of the elements. I was in a rush, and I said too much. He wasn't reallyhim after that. I had to undo it at once, it was... really scary. I hadn't realised how dangerous the charm could be. I mean, I had, but I hadn't seen it."

"I see. Nonetheless, Twilight, you are avoiding the point."

Cool night air whipped at Twilight, her mane fluttering in the slipstream. Luna's warm arms were around her, her wings beating at the night air. Darkness slid beneath them, and stars glittered above.

"She agreed to be charmed willingly. Even beside what she'd planned, I think she wanted everything I offered her, even if it meant being at my beck and call."

"Forever? I find that hard to believe."

"Well... no. She wanted to choose when she left. Probably after she'd gotten all the charms she could think of from me, and before she thought she'd have to give away any of her own. She was trying to trick me, and hurt me."

"Remember that reaction, Twilight Sparkle. You have yet to speak to Zecora."

Twilight flinched. That wasn't going to be a good conversation. Her friends, well, they'd agreed to be hers with varying degrees of warning about what it was going to mean to them. Zecora, she'd simply taken.

Luna clearly noticed. "It is for the best, Twilight. If you are not to become a tyrant, as I once became, you must offer those that you desire the freedom to choose you, or leave you. Even those that have offended thee."

That was a dig at Trixie again. "One year! One year, and then I'll give her the choice to stay, with the conditions she's under, or to go. She deserves that much."

"Recall that whatever she may deserve, you mayst deserve much the same, though I shall not be the one to inflict it upon you. She had not the opportunity to see the horror her commands would have wrought, as you have. It may be that she would have undone it, as you did."

"Six months! Just six months. Give me that much, and then she can decide if she likes living with me, and everything. I'm going to be fighting Celestia, I need her to help untangle the spell. Once it's over, and things have settled down, then she can get a chance to experience what life can be like with me. I mean, you wouldn't have chosen this if you hadn't had time to know what it was like, would you? Give her the same chance. I think she's really lonely. This could be good for her."

Luna sighed softly. "Very well, Twilight Sparkle. You may keep Trixie for the six months that you wish, as due punishment for her attempted assault upon your mind and betrayal of thy offer of companionship and trust. After that, she will be offered the opportunity she desired, to leave when she wishes."

Twilight relaxed a little. Trixie was hers. She didn't want to give her up! No... if she had her for a while, she was certain that Trixie could be persuaded into liking her new life enough to embrace it by choice.

Or maybe six months of the slutty and submissive Trixie would be enough that Twilight was more than happy to never see her again. Certainly, it hadn't entirely displeased her to see Trixie's sheer pique at being left behind at the cabin again, even if only for a night. She'd simply have to wait until they could sort out a rented room somewhere in town, and have Luna retrieve her.

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