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I don't think I can write the next chapter. I mean, I might but I just can't at the moment. 

I don't want to guilt anyone or throw a pity party but I feel you need to know why I'm taking this... Break.

A friend of mine, that I've known for about three years now, and I got into a fight today. It kinda escalated to yelling and we're now no longer friends. And to be honest I cried. I don't even know why I cried. I really miss her but I can't say I didn't see this coming. We used to fight a lot and many times not talk to each other for weeks to months on end.

So I'm sorry this isn't the update some of you were hoping for, and I don't mean to bring you down or make you pity me. I just wanted to say that I maybe won't update for a bit and wanted to say why. Thanks if you read this. ~LMA

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