A year after Frozen

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This chapter goes to my first follower JelsaForMe123 but not just for that but for helping me with this story so thanks again.

Elsa's POV

I still can't believe its been a year since I froze Arendelle and my own sister's heart, Anna. Yet the past is in the past, right?

Anyways, I'm in my room doing some work for trades when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." I said and my advisor, Kai, walked in. "Your Majesty, Princess Anna and Prince Kristoff are waiting for you." He said kindly. "Thank you, I'll be down in a minute.'' And Kai left.

I dressed in my own Ice Dress and went downstairs to see Anna and Kristoff waiting for me. "Where to first?" I asked. "Hm.......I think the chocolate shop?" Anna suggested making me reply. "How did I know you were going to say that." I smiled. "Because you know me too well. And you also like chocolate like me so don't tell me you weren't thinking about it too. " She smiled back. "OK you got me."

Pitch's POV

I can't believe that it's been a year since those guardians defeated me. For now I'm weak yet I can sense fear coming from a place called Southern Isles.

When I come back stronger, you will never defeat me again.

"Come my nightmares, let us look at this town called the Southern Isles." I ordered my nightmares and off we went.

Back to Elsa's POV

(Time Skip coz all they did was went to a bunch of shops. Anyways, back to the story.)

We were walking back to the castle when Kai came to me. And reminded me that I had a meeting to attend to. So I bid goodbyes to Kristoff and Anna. And off we went.

Jack's POV


I can't believe that it's been a year since I became a guardian. A year since we defeated Pitch Black.

I just finished visiting Jamie with his friends and also having fun in spreading winter. I was done making snow for the last time until next winter.

I decided to head to North Pole to see my fellow guardians and ask if they wanted me to do anything.

Once I got there, I saw some elves and also yetis helping to make toys for next Christmas. I went straight to North's office and knocked on the door.

Hans's POV

I can't believe that it's been a year since I almost became a king and almost got rid of that Snow Queen, Elsa. I was thrown in the dungeon when I arrived in the Southern Isles. My 12 older brothers were not happy with me at all. So here I sit in the dungeoun trying to think of a plan to get out of here. And I will do anything to get out of here.

When I was about to take a nap, I saw black sand making it's way to me. A guy with black hair, yellow eyes, and who is wearing black clothes came into the dungeon.

"Who are you?" I asked trembling in fear. "I'm Pitch, Pitch Black. I came here 'cause I sensed fear." That so-called Pitch said.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I said. "Come on, I already sense that you fear your brothers will never accept you as a real brother ever again. Does that sum it up?" Pitch smirked. "How?" I said.

Yes it is true that I fear that but....How? "I told ya, I sense fear but that is not what I am here for. I see that you also want revenge on those two girls, that got in your way of becoming king. Hmm... Am I right?" He said. "That is correct. So... How do I get my revenge?" I asked smirking.

"Join forces with me. Because I also have a person who I wanted revenge on. What do you say?" He asked while I answered. "I'm in." We laughed histericaly. And suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.

North's POV

I was finishing up one of my toys for Christmas until I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said to whoever was behind it.

Jack Frost walked in. "What can I do for you my boy?" I ruffled his hair. "I was wondering if you have anything I can do to pass the time till next Winter." He asked.

"I don't think so, sorry." I replied. "That's okay." I was about to say something when we heard a loud ringing noise. It was coming from the globe room.

Quick as a bunny, we ran and went to see what was going on. When I opened the door, I saw Sandy shaking one of my elves, using his dream sand to point at the moon.

"What's going on?" Jack curiously asked while we looked at the moon. It's showing signs of Pitch Black being back. "This can't be true. We already defeated him, yet why would he be back?" I asked with anger flowing through my body. Then Manny suddenly appeared in front of us.

Manny's POV


I was watching the world and suddenly, I got a vision about Jack and 7 others. They would be called The Big Eight and will be defeating Pitch. I also saw a vision that he joined forces with Hans, spreading fear and darkness to the worlds. And not only that but he also wants Elsa to be his bride by force and using his powers to make evil Elsa.

Once Elsa became evil he will get rid of Hans by killing him with his powers.

The others in the group will have to fight Pitch, not only, to save the world but as well as Elsa.

"I must tell North about this." I said to myself. I made the moon brighter than before while only Sandy got their attention.

I went there and appeared in front of them.

North's POV

"What's wrong Manny, why is Pitch back?" I said. I looked at Manny and he replied. "It's because someone fear something that much that he came back stronger than last time. But not only that, he got someone with him this time."

Jack then joined the conversation. "Who?" Manny replied to Jack's question. "He used to be a prince but his title was taken away from him for he tries to take over a kingdom." I replied worriedly "What do we do?"

"I got a vision that Jack Frost will team up with 7 other people and will be called the Big Eight. They will defeat Pitch and save the world before he can fill it with darkness and fear. And that is not all, those 7 people are Hiccup from Berk, Merida from Dunbroch, Eugene and Rapunzel from Corona, Anna, Kristoff and Elsa from Arendelle. And also, I had a vision that Elsa will become Pitch's bride and make her evil by force. So please stop that from happening, but if it does then let us just hope for a miracle." Manny ended his speech.

"OK let me call the other guardians and we can go to them." I said. I went right away to the switch which puts on Northern Lights that tells that there is trouble. In seconds, both Tooth and Bunny appeared. Manny told them what he told me, Sandy and Jack.

Then after we bid goodbye to Manny, we went to our sled.

"So where is our first stop?" I said. "I think we should go to Berk first mate." Bunny replied.

"OK we will go there by flying and I also brought a snow globe with me so we can get there faster." I whispered Berk and off we go.

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