Ice palace/Bonding time

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Elsa POV

In my dream

I wake up to see I'm a room and in the room there's tables all set up with chairs.

"I hope you like the room this is were we are going to have our reception" he tells me "it ok I guess I mean I don't see why you had to pick black and white for the theme" I tell him "what can I say that my thing and soon will be your thing too" he says "whatever you know you wouldn't get away with this the guardians will stop you" I tell him "oh but that were your wrong because I be to strong for them once I have you" he tells me with that creepy smile again "how many days do I have left I want to spend what little time I have before I become your bride" I say to him sad that I have little time left.

"You have 2 days left until then" he says "ok and I know what your going to say don't tell them that you were in my dream or else" I say "yes that's right" he tells me.

I was going to say something but yet again someone is waking me up.

Merida POV

We are all having breakfast and yet again Elsa is sleeping. It seems like we have to keep waking her up.

So I volunteer to go wake her up this time and so I go in her room to see she's scared of whatever she's dreaming about. So I start to shake her and she wakes up.

"I know what your going to say that you saw me scared of whatever I'm dreaming about but I'm here to say I'm fine and I can handle it. I don't need everyone asking me that so I just saved you the trouble of asking" Elsa tells me know I'd ask that and I guess she's right she can handle it. If it was to much she would tell us and then I say "ok do you what have breakfast with us" "sure let go."

So we go and once were their at the table we sit down to eat.

Elsa POV

After everyone is finish eating I want to Jack room to ask if he would like to see my ice palace and I think he would love it. For some reason I like it when we hang out and I get butterflies in my stomach. I love it and him I just haven't told him yet but maybe one day.

Once I'm at his room I knock and then I hear him say "come in" so I walk in.

Jack POV

I hear someone knock on my door so I told them to come in and in walks Elsa.

"Hi Jack I came here to ask if you would like to see my ice palace" Elsa says "I love to see it when do you want to go" I ask her "we could go now we don't have training until this afternoon after lunch" she says.

"Ok and we can fly there it's the fastest way" I tell her "ok let's go" she says and so we walk outside.

Once outside I grab her by the wrist and off we went.

Time skip to Elsa's ice palace

Once at Elsa's ice palace I put her down near the stairs and then I stop to look at it. 'Wow' is all I could say I mean it was so beautiful not as beautiful as Elsa but still and she build this in one day that pretty cool.

"Nice isn't it" she says smiling "ya can we see the inside" I say "sure let go."

So we go inside and it was so much more beautiful it had a staircase leaning up to her rooms upstairs and there's a frozen fountain in the middle of the staircase. Her chandelier beautiful too everything about this place was beautiful.

"You out done yourself with this" I tell her amazed at her work "thanks and like I told Anna when she came I never knew what I was capable of until I built this" she says "well it's very beautiful but not as beautiful as you" I said the first part loud enough for her to hear but when I said then next part it was so low I hope she didn't here that part.

"What was that last part" she said and then I start to panic and say "ah I think it time to go it's almost 12 o'clock. We want to make it in time to have lunch and then train" I say "ok let go" she says so of we went back to the North Pole.

Once we get there we go in and see everyone is at the table for lunch. So we go sit and start eating.

Time skip after lunch and training

Anna POV

After training I wanted to spend time with Kristoff because since we came here I haven't had time with the hole Elsa and training thing and I go to our room.

Once I go to our room I see him looking out the window and so I go up to him.

"Hey do you want to do something" I say "what do you want to do" he say "I was thinking maybe taking walk and talk" I say "ok" he says and so we went outside.

We walked around the North Pole and talked about how thing are going so far with being a guardian and I tell him that I think Elsa is hiding something but wouldn't talk about it.

He tells me to give her time and maybe she'll come and talk to me. I tell him I hope that she does because I don't what her to isolate herself again and he tells me that she wouldn't.

After talking and walking we go back in to see it dinner time. 'We were out there that long' I said to myself but went to the table and we started eating.

Elsa POV

After training I see my sister and Kristoff talking and walking and I just continue to think about pitch and the wedding because pretty soon I'll be his bride. Then I started to think about Jack and how we went to go see my ice palace. He face lit up when he saw it and I think he said that I was more beautiful than my ice palace but I could of heard wrong.

I was so much in my thoughts I realized it was dinner time and so I go to the table but I didn't see Anna or Kristoff. So they must be still walking and talking. I soon as I thought that they come in and we started to eat.

After dinner we all call it a night and as I got to my door I hear Jack say "I wanted to thank you for letting me see you ice palace it was beautiful" "your welcome" I say "I want to make it up so tomorrow I want you to meet my friend Jamie. Would that be alright" he say "ya I would love to meet Jamie" I say smiling "ok great and goodnight Elsa" he says smiling "goodnight Jack" I say as I walk in my room.

Once in my room I go to my bed and fell asleep.

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