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Elsa POV

A year later

After we defeated Pitch everything went back to normal.

First everyone found their center

Punzie center is Creativity

Eugene center is Trust

Merida center is Courage

Hiccup center is Change

Anna center is love

Kristoff center is Adventure

Punzie and Eugene had a baby girl named lily she's 6 months old. She looks so much like Punzie except she has Eugene's eyes.

Then when lily was 4 months Anna had a baby boy named Kevin and now his 2 months.

Then there's Merida and Hiccup they started dating soon after me and Jack started dating.

Then there's me and Jack we got married after Anna had Kevin and everything is well but for a couple of days now I've been sick so Anna told me to talk a pregnancy test. So I'm here waiting for the results.

I hear the alarm that I set go off so it was time to check it and I go to see that it's































I can't believe it so I go to Anna and show her.

We started to scream and be happy.

I can't wait until Jack comes back.

Jack POV

20 mins later 

I'm going back to the North Pole to rest after a long day of bring snow.

Once I get there I go in and go see Elsa

I find her in our room so I go and hug her

"Hi Snowflake what's up" I say "oh Jack I'm glad your here I have some news so I think you should sit" she says "ok" I say and I go sit.

"Frosty I'm pregnant" she says "no way really" I say "really" she says and I was so happy.

9 months later

It's almost time for Elsa to give birth I can't wait until the baby comes.

I'm out doing my snow days for the kids when sandy comes.

"Hi sandy what's up" I say and then he shows me sand pictures of Elsa in pain.

"Your telling me she's gone in to labor" I say and he shakes his head yes.

So me and sandy go back to the pole as soon as possible.

Once there I go to our room to see Elsa.

"I'm here" I say "good because she's about to push" Punzie says

1 hour later

Elsa gives birth to twins a boy and girl.

We named boy Jack Jr or JJ for short and the girl we named Marie.

JJ looked so much like me except he has a Elsa's eyes and Marie looked so much like Elsa except she has my eyes.

They are so adorable and we couldn't be anymore happier.

The end

I hope you guys like my last chapter of this book. Sorry it took me so long to write it. I'm also sorry it's a short chapter. Did you like the ending? Don't forget to comment and/or vote. If I misspelled something just tell me and I'll fix it. Thanks.

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