Wedding/fighting for true love

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Elisa POV

After we killed Hans pitch told me to get ready for the wedding so her I am in front of the mirror looking at my dress. It was black with a nice gold trim around it. I can't wait until we destroy the guardians which we'll do after the wedding.

"You will never destroy the guardians as long as there's hope" Elsa says in my head "oh be quiet there's nothing you can do and once I marry pitch I can finally destroy you. But right now I can because I have to kiss pitch in order for you to be destroyed" I say "Sorry that's not going to happen because I know there's someway for me to take back my body" Elsa says "well to bad your beloved Jack isn't here and by the time they come it will be to late" I say "we'll see" she says and then one of pitch nightmares come and said that it was time for the wedding to start.

"Well Elsa it was nice while it lasted but I have to go get married bye Elsa" I say and walk to where the wedding is.

Elsa POV

Once Elisa stop talking I start to think if I'll ever see my little sister or my friends again but most importantly will I ever see Jack again.

'I wish I told him I loved him before I was taken away maybe atlest he would know' I say to myself and then I continue 'please come and save me frosty I know you will I believe in you'

North POV

We had the plan now we had to put it in action and hopefully we can get Elsa back. I was getting ready for the fight that will happen tonight and once I was done I meet everyone else in the globe room.

"Let go to my sled" I say and we all go to my sled but bunny as usual told me he was going to take his tunnel but before he could I grabbed him. I put him on the sled and off we went to get Elsa.

Time skip to when they get there

We landed and we all get off. We get to pitch hide out and just when we were going to go in we all see nightmare come at us. "I'll take Jack, Anna, Kristoff, and bunny with me while you guys try to fight those nightmares" I say and they agree.

So me, Jack, Anna, Kristoff, and bunny go in and we start to here the music which means that the we'd is starting. "Do you hear that we have to go before it's too late" Jack says worrying for Elsa "we will Jack don't worry" Anna says "I'm sorry I just want to get her back" Jack says "that ok Jack let go" I say and we start to get closer to the music.

Once we got to were the wedding is being hold we see pitch with Elsa but it doesn't look like Elsa. She had black hair, a black wedding dress, and her eyes were gold.

"Let ruining this wedding" I say and knock the doors down.

Jack POV

Once north knock the doors down we go in and I look at Elsa to see she wasn't the Elsa I know anymore.

"Ah so nice of some late wedding guest to arrive wouldn't you agree Elisa" he says to Elisa which is Elsa "what" I say confused "yes it's so nice to finally me the guardians and I bet that the white hair boy name Jack is Elsa's secret lover" Elisa says "knock it of pitch give us back Elsa the real one not this Elisa" north says "I would love to but I like her this way and once I kiss her your Elsa will be gone forever" he says "not unless I'm here to stop you pitch" I say and then I think back at what Elisa said " "wait a minute Elsa loves me" I said "ya she does it a shame that she'll never tell you in person" Elisa says and then I start to lose it.

"I will kill you pitch if the last thing I do for what you have done" I say "oh so you what to fight for your lover Jack" he says "yes just you and me" I say "very well" he says and we get in a fight stand.

Before we start fight I say "guys go help the others" "ok just be careful" north says and we start to fight.

Punzie POV

After north left with Jack, Anna, Kristoff, and bunny we started to fight the nightmare. I was using my long like rope and I'd hit a lot of them but more kept coming.

We seem to be not doing so good until north, Anna, Kristoff, and bunny come to help and I say "where's Jack" "he's fight pitch to get Elsa back" Anna says "I hope he wins" I say "we all do" Merida says and we start fight again.

Elsa POV

I was still stuck in here and I wanted to get out. I keep hearing voices and I recognize a couple of them. I listened closer to hear Jack talk and I try to talk but it's no use he can't hear me.

'Please frosty help get me back' I say to myself and I fell asleep listening to him talking.

Pitch POV

I started to fight and then in the middle of the fight I started to edge closer to Elisa so I can finally end this.

I grab Elisa and I say "your to late frost" I was about to kiss her when an ice blast come from Jack.

"It's never to late to fight for love" Jack says "oh but she's still evil Jack and she'll never be that Elsa you once know" I say "oh ya I can get her back to the Elsa I know and I only know one way" Jack says "your not talking about...I say and Jack cuts me off at the end of my sentence by say "true loves first kiss" "well you can't kiss her not unless you go thou me first" he says and then we started to fight again.

Hey guys hope you like it. Sorry it's short. In the chapter be prepared all Jelsa shippers because there's a big Jelsa seen coming up. Don't forget to comment or/and vote. If I spelled only thing wrong let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks.

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