Replacement/Kidnapped/Cancelled Date

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Elsa POV

In my dream

I woke up to see I'm in some kind of garden and in that garden is a arch that in the middle of the garden. I look around the garden again to see that man again and he says "this is where the wedding is going to be held do you like it" he say " it ok" I say to him "you know tomorrow your going to be mine" and I froze at what he just told me. Tomorrow I was going to go with Jack to the pond but also I was going to go be this mans bride and I just hope Jack gets to me first.

I was so much in my thoughts I almost didn't hear him say "dear are you ok" "ya I just was so excited I want in to shock" I said lying to him "ok well by the time you wake up it will be tomorrow and you have just a bit of time left before your mine so spend it wisely" he says as I start to wake up.

I wake up to see that yet again on one had to wake me up and I was happy because yet again my room is iced over. So yet again I think of love and it thaws.

After I get up and walk to the table for breakfast. Once I got there I see everyone so I sat down and started to eat.

After breakfast we had train so we go and train.

Time skip after train and lunch

Anna POV

I haven't talked with Elsa in a while so I go to her room and once I'm at her door I knock.

Then I here her say "come in" so I go in to see she's trying to find something. So I go and say "what's are you looking for" I say confused "I'm trying to find a nice dress for tonight" she says smiling "why" I say but then I gasp and continue to say "I know why your going on a date with Jack Frost aren't you" I say smiling because she finally found someone.

"Yes Anna" she says  "hi I have a ship name for you guys" I say "really what is it" she say "jelsa" I say "that great and so now are you going to help me" she say "ok just let me get Merida and Rapunzel and we can help you get ready for your date" she says as she leaves to go get Merida and Rapunzel.

Elsa POV

Jack wanted to take me back to the pond where he took me before and talk about how he died after saving his little sister Emma.

So me and the girl were getting me ready for the date so Anna went to go get something for me to wear. As for Rapunzel she was getting the make up and Merida was doing my hair but then I hear Anna scream. So me and the girls go see what's wrong but it was only us four because tooth was get teeth, Bunny was painting eggs back at his places, North was something to do, and Jack was nowhere to be seen maybe because he was getting ready for the date with the help of Kristoff and Eugene.

Once we get to Anna's room I see who I wish I never see again, it was Hans and he was trying to take my sister.

Anna POV


I was in my room seeing if I can find a perfect dress for Elsa when I hear a voice behind me and so I look behind me to see a person who I wish I'd never see again. That person was Hans.

"What do you want Hans? What are you doing here?" I ask him ready to hit him "I come to for pitch's bride" he tells me trying to take me,"help" I screaming making sure the girls would hear me and come.

It worked too because not even one minute later I see my sister at the door with Rapunzel and Merida.

Elsa POV

"What are you doing here Hans?" I ask him "I come to for pitch's bride" he tells me "I will be pitch's bride if you let my sister free" I tell him "very will I'll just take you than" he says "you don't have to do this Elsa" Anna says "yes I do if I want you guys to be safe I have to go with Hans" I tell her "but what about your date with Jack" Rapunzel says "I'm sure he'll understand" I tell them "let's go Elsa" Hans says "I coming. Stay safe ok" I tell them known all along I was going to have to be the one to be pitch's bride I just couldn't tell them. Then I continue to say "tell Jack I'm sorry I couldn't make it for our date" feeling sorry because I was just about to tell him that I loved him when we were on our date.

So off I went with Hans and before we disappeared I see Merida run off.

Jack POV

Today was the day I was going to tell Elsa that I love her and so here I am ready for our date. Kristoff and Eugene also helped me. So I walk up to Elsa's bedroom door and I was about to knock when I see Merida come running looking worried.

"What is it Merida? What's wrong? Why are you worried? I was just about knock on Elsa's door to see if she's ready for our date" I tell her worried that something might be wrong "Jack ya have to come quick something is happening in Anna's room" she tells me "what is it?" I say getting even more worried than I already am "just come" she says "ok let's go" I say wanted to know what is happening and off we went to Anna's room.

Once we got there all I see is Anna and Rapunzel to see their sad faces and look around the room to see Elsa but she's not there.

"What happened? Why are you guys sad? Where's Elsa?" I said to them worried something might have happened to Elsa.

"Jack, Hans was here and he took Elsa. We're also sorry that you couldn't go on your date" Anna tells me sadly then Rapunzel speak "he also talked about that he was here for pitch's bride and he was going to take Anna but than Elsa said she would go instead. So he said fine and she went with him to protect us by keeping us safe" "she told us she's sorry that she couldn't make it for your date" Anna says with tears in her eyes.

I just look at them with wide eyes and only one word come out. That one word was "NO"

Hey guys hope you like it. Let me know what you think should happen next. Don't forget to comment and/or vote. Thanks

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