True loves kiss/defeated pitch/girlfriend

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Pitch POV

I started to fight frost and I need to take him out before he can kiss Elisa to get his Elsa back. Elisa is helping me fight him and once I kiss her all will be lost.

I started sending my nightmares after him and he used his staff. He blasted ice at them destroying them.

"I thought you would of fought hard pitch" frost says "I'm just getting started" I say as I send even more nightmares at him.

Jack POV

Pitch keeps send his nightmares at me and I keep destroying them. 'I have to get to Elisa so I can kiss her and bring my snowflake back' I say to myself as I keep fighting.

Then Elisa joins in and helps pitch fight.

I start to get closer to Elisa and pitch. Once I'm close I try to knock out pitch so I can end this nightmare.

I first freezes his feet so he doesn't go anywhere and next I freezes his hands so he can't use his black sand to create more nightmares. Then I freeze Elisa's feet and hands as will just until I break the spell then I can unfreeze her.

I get closer to Elisa until we're inches away from each other and then I say "Elsa I don't know if you can here me but I want to say is that I love you and I hope you love me too. " Then I kiss her.

"No" pitch says and then Elisa started to change. Her black dress turned blue again, her hair turned platinum blonde hair, and her eyes turned that lovely ice blue again.

Elsa POV


I was still stuck inside this cage but then I here Jack my frosty start to talk and I heard him say that he loves me. Then he started to kiss Elisa and during that kiss the cage vanished. I started to run and then I started to be me again getting rid of Elisa for good. Then the next thing I know I'm back kiss my one and only frosty.

He breaks the kiss to see I turned back and then I jump on him making him fell to the ground.

"I love you too my frosty" I say as I put my lips to his. After a minute we break the kiss and stand up.

"All my work gone because of true loves kiss but you can never get rid of me because there will always be fear" I say "oh but we can as long as we have hope" Jack says "oh then why are they here" pitch says and I look around to see nightmares.

"I don't have fear" I say "it must be you" Jack says and then pitch starts running but the nightmares catch up to him. They drag him to a hole and he fells throu. After he fells thou the hole disappears.

"Well now that his gone what are we going to do" I say "how about we go on that date that I was going to take you on" he says "I'd love to" I say as I kiss him.

Then we break the kiss and go back to find the group.

Tooth POV for a change


We were fighting the nightmares but then all of a sudden they all vanished and then I say "what happened? Do you think Jack did it?"

"I believe he did" north says and then we see Elsa and Jack come.

"Elsa your back to normal again" Anna says and hugs her.

"I defeated pitch and now his gone for now anyway" Jack says then Elsa says "It's good to be back with you all and I finally found out what my center is" "what is it" I say "freedom" I say "that's wonderful Elsa" I say "ok let's go back to the pole and celebrate" north says.

We all go to the sled and get in. Then north starts going and then he pulled out a snow globe. He whispered North Pole. Then he throw it and we go thou.

Elsa POV

Once we get to the pole we all go to our rooms. Jack comes in and takes me on our date.

We go to the pond were his saved his sister Emma.

We staked for a while and then we had a snowball fight which I won at. Then at the end of the date Jack go down in one knee and says "Elsa I wanted to say this for a while now but with pitch and all I couldn't so now that's over I wanted to say will you be my girlfriend" "YES" I say as get down to his level and kiss him.

We then head back and once back I get to my room.

Before I go in I say to him "thanks for tonight frosty I had a wonderful time" "anything for you my snowflake" he says and then kiss me one last time.

Then I go in and I get in my blue nightgown. Then I go to my bed and fell asleep dreaming about me and Jack together with kids.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed it. Sorry again that it's short but look on the bright side jelsa finally kissed. What did you think? Don't forget to comment and/or vote. If I spelled something wrong just tell me and I'll fix. Thanks.

The Big 8 Saves the WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora