Chapter 26 ~ Aftermath

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Are any of you shocked about what happened in the last chapter? Sadly, that will not be the last of Tyler but Ryler/Tyley is not going to happen now.
I also have a few questions I'd like for all of my readers to answer at the end of the chapter.
It's not a long chapter but enjoy!


Ryley woke up to with a headache and her head resting on a muscular chest. She takes a while to adjust to the light coming into her room through the window but when she does, she begins to remember the events of last night; the party, the drinking, the dancing, going upstairs, the kissing, the touching, the hitting, the screaming and the fighting.
She then remembers how it felt to know that they guy who she cared about and once had feelings for wanted to force her into sex and possibly even rape her.
She looks at the body next to her. Ryder's mouth is open and his snoring is loud. She sees the stitches above his eyebrow and there's also the black eye he now has. He saved her and she loves him more than ever.
She looks at what she's wearing. Ryder's hoodie. The one he was wearing last night. It's just a simple grey pull over the head hoodie that seems to cover up the underwear she was wearing last night and still is wearing. The underwear that Tyler was about to take off of her before Ryder entered with Kitty.
Ryley shudders at the thought of Tyler. He's probably at the local police station, sitting in a prison cell, about to feel the wrath of his parents for what he did. He did attempt to rape a girl while both of them were under the influence of alcohol.
She spots a glass of water and some tablets for her to take to get rid of her headache. She picks the tablets up and puts them in her mouth, drinking a large gulp of the water to swallow them down.
Ryder begins to move and Ryley places the now empty glass on the bed side table. Ryder's eyes slowly open up and when he sees Ryley, he gets up slowly.
"How're you feeling?" Ryder asks.
"I'm feeling a bit violated still but I'm grateful you heard me screaming. And so did Kitty. Thank you for saving me, Ryder." Ryley says.
"Your welcome." Ryder says with a smile.
"I wonder what Tyler's doing right now." Ryley says.
"He probably feels like a total dick," Ryder says, "But forget about him."
"How can I forget what he did to me?"
"I know. It's hard to forget, babe but it's good to just think positive and move past this."
"I'm trying."
"It's good to know you are trying though."
Ryley sighs, "I'm hungry. Can we get some breakfast?"
"Sure." Ryder says. The two of them head downstairs after Ryley puts some pyjama pants on and a t-shirt. She then gives Ryder his hoodie back.
Once they reach the kitchen downstairs, they notice on the house's phone that there is one new voicemail. Ryley lifts up the receiver and listens to the voicemail play. Once it finishes, she puts it down.
"Who was that?" Ryder asks.
"Leroy and Hiram. They tried getting out of their trip but can't. They'll be back tomorrow and they also said it's fine for you to stay." Ryley says.
"Well, they said they guessed someone will be with me so they can stay until Sunday which is tomorrow."
"Well, looks like is a weekend just for us."
"Looks that way."
"I'll make you breakfast to begin this weekend."


Ryley still had the taste of Tyler on her lips. It was a beer sort of taste mixed with salt and meat. It's a weird combination but it didn't really taste good. She's eaten quite a bit today but she still tastes his salty and meaty lips on her mouth. When she remembers the taste, she remembers the feel of his hands on her chest. She still feels so violated about it.
She spent most of Saturday morning watching movies with Ryder while cuddling on the couch. He was being so nice by getting her whatever she wanted eg; food, drink, blankets.
In the afternoon, after Ryley and Ryder had lunch, there was a knock on the door. Ryder answered it while Ryley stayed wrapped up on the couch in a blanket while Toy Story 3 played on the TV.
"Jake? Marley? Angie? Gabe?" Ryder says.
"We're here to see Ryley. We were just told about what happened last night. We wanted to give her some company." Angie says, a tinge of sadness in her voice.
"Come in. We've just been watching movies." Ryder says, moving out of the way so the four can enter. Just before he closes the door, a foot stops it. It's Kitty.
"I'm here too." Kitty says with a small smile.
"Come in." Ryder says with a smile. Kitty walks in and follows Jake, Marley, Angie and Gabe into the living room to where Ryley is.
Ryder follows them after he closes the door. The five that just arrived are all giving Ryley hugs and telling them how they've been shocked about what happened.
"I hope Tyler rots in a prison cell for what he did." Gabe says.
"He probably won't get put in a prison cell for this." Kitty says.
"Hopefully he won't be back at McKinley." Marley says.
"He just seems like a sick creep now." Jake says.
"He is." Angie says.
"Guys." Ryley says to stop them from talking about this.
"What?" Gabe, Angie, Kitty, Marley and Jake say at the same time.
"I'm trying to forget as much as this as I can. That is why I've just been relaxing with Ryder today and watching movies." Ryley says.
"Mind if we join?" Angie asks.
"Ah, sure." Ryder says.
They begin the movie again with Ryley and Ryder cuddled on the main couch. Ryley sighs as she licks her lips to hope the taste of the saltiness and the meat has gone. It hasn't. She gets up and goes to the kitchen to get a drink. Ryder follows her, leaving their friends to watch the movie.
"You okay, babe?" Ryder asks Ryley.
"Yeah." Ryley says.
"I saw you lick your lips then wince at whatever the taste was. What's up?" Ryder asks.
"Ever since last night, I've had the same taste of Tyler's lips on my lips. It's disgusting and every time I lick my lips, I taste it and remember everything that happened." Ryley says.
"Do you need help getting rid of the taste?" Ryder asks.
"How do you suggest I get rid of the taste?" Ryley asks.
Ryder leans down and kisses her, softly and gently. He pours all his love and care into the kiss. His lips taste better than Tyler's by far. It's a sweet and sugary taste that makes Ryley want to kiss her boyfriend more.
"Better?" Ryder asks, once they part.
"Better for now." Ryley says with a small smile.


The friends had dinner together while watching a movie. Ryder left for a bit to get some stuff for staying the night and when he returned, Jake, Marley, Angie, Gabe and Kitty left the couple alone.
Ryley went up to her room and heard her laptop beeping. She looks at the screen to see a video chat requests from Rachel. She calls out to Ryder that she'll be talking to Rachel on Skype. Ryley clicks accept call and sits down to talk.
"I just heard what happened from a call from Finn. I can't believe that happened." Rachel says.
"Same here. I trusted Tyler and he betrayed my trust and everything I thought I felt for him." Ryley says.
"It shocked me. Blaine, Kurt and Santana were shocked too." Rachel says.
"I'm just trying to forget about it." Ryley says.
"I get it, I get it. Are dad and daddy there?" Rachel asks.
"No. They're stuck on their trip still and won't be home till tomorrow." Ryley says.
"So you're home alone?" Rachel asks.
"No. Ryder is here and helping me." Ryley says.
"You two are no longer on a break?" Rachel asks.
"Of course. He saved me." Ryley says.
"He did?" Rachel asks.
"Yes." Ryley says with a smile.
"Can I talk to him?" Rachel asks.
"Um, sure," Ryley says then calls out, "Ryder! Ryd, can you please come here?"
Ryder's quick up the stairs and sits in the chair next to Ryley.
"I'm going to take a shower. You two can talk." Ryley says then gets up and heads to her bathroom to take a shower.
"What's up, Rachel?" Ryder asks when the water is running in the bathroom from Ryley's shower.
"I want to thank you." Rachel says.
"For what?" Ryder asks.
"Ryley said you saved her. You're a hero." Rachel says.
Ryder feels himself blush a little, "You could say that."
"I still want to thank you for saving from that dirty and creepy Tyler." Rachel says.
"Your welcome. I'll always protect her since I love her so much." Ryder says.
"I'm so happy that you're there for her."
"I'm just happy me and her are no longer on a break."
Blaine appears beside Rachel, "I'd like to thank you too from protecting my cousin from Tyler."
"Your welcome." Ryder says.
"Ryder Lynn, you truly are a hero." Blaine says.
Ryder feels himself blush again and smiles at the two.
"We thank you." Rachel says.
"I think that could be enough thanks for one night." Ryder says. He hears the water from the bathroom stop running.
"She must be finished. We better get going." Rachel says.
"Again, thank you." Blaine says then after they say goodbye, they log off.
Ryder sighs into a smile as Ryley exits the bathroom in her pyjamas and her hair wrapped up in a towel.


The next day, Leroy and Hiram return home. The two men thank Ryder for saving Ryley, just like how Blaine and Rachel were just the previous day.
"I think I should get going home. Bye Ryley." Ryder says then gives his girlfriend a small peck on the lips. He shakes the hands of the two men then leaves the Berry house.
"You really love that boy, don't you?" Hiram asks.
"I do." Ryley says with a small smile.
"We are just happy you found someone who clearly cares for you, loves you and will always protect you." Leroy says.
"Just like he did on Friday night." Ryley says.
"We're still in shock over what happened though." Hiram says.
"I am too. I just can't believe someone I cared for would actually do that." Ryley says.
"We know, honey. But you still have all your friends, family and Ryder, the boy you seem to love." Leroy says.
"I know." Ryley says.
"And if this whole thing goes to court, we will make sure this Tyler boy gets put in a jail cell or at least kicked out of McKinley for this." Hiram says.
"Thank you." Ryley says with a smile.
The two men give her a hug at the same time.


So not a long chapter but time for my questions:
1. Are you enjoying where I'm leading this story?
2. What should happen next?
3. Am I putting too many Chuck references in this story since barely any of you have actually watched the show?
4. Should I do a sequel?
5. Any song requests?
6. Who should get together as a couple (well, minus Jarley, McHanratty/Gangie and Rydley)?
7. Should I introduce another character to cause drama? If so, what kind of character should he/she be?
Leave your answers in the comments or inbox me your answers. I'd love to get some feedback from you guys


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