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Great job Aria, you've finally managed to mess your life up for real, I thought to myself.

     It is May of 2209, and I am now prisoner 3295 of The Academy - a new experimental prison system. Now that the guards had left me in my cell, I finally had time to wonder at why my sentencing hearing had gone as it did. I had been convicted of a DUI, and had fully expected to be sentenced to months of community service. Everything changed when halfway through the trial the presiding judge had a heart attack, and the substitute judge who had replaced him had me sentenced to time in this hell hole.

     As I sat down and looked around, I wondered how we could have developed the advanced technology to build prisons in the dark, cold void of space, and yet not have "hover cars", robot servants, or any of the other fantastic sounding things that people 200 years ago thought we would in the twenty-third century. Anyway, now I was to be a prisoner for the next two years of my life at the most controversial and formidable of these prisons in space.

     The Academy wasn't just any prison. According to the rumor mill, the Warden who ran The Academy was not only a woman, but supposedly she had been a professional Dominatrix at some point before she obtained her commission. The format at the Academy is supposedly her brainchild, based on her avante-garde proposal which received government funding, and the facility opened four years ago. The very facility I find myself in now. At first, there was public outcry against The Academy's unorthodox methods. However, when the investigational reports revealed an unheard of rate of successful reconditioning, the public opinion began to shift.  Once the statistics stood compared to other prisons, the opposition quickly faded, and The Academy continued to operate. 

     Now, here I am, in a holding cell. I will remain here until Eva, the Warden of rumor, returns to the prison complex to begin the check-in process. Apparently, she likes to handle this initial step personally. Nervous, I stood up and paced my cell, still wondering why I was here  and how I would make it through the next two years. Then, the call for lights-out came, and I lay down and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

     The shrill alarm that signaled the start of a new day woke me with a start. However, instead of getting up, I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. I had only just fallen back asleep when Eva entered my cell. I didn't even know she was there until she roughly pulled from my bed. I was not awake enough to get my feet under me and I landed hard on my knees in front of her.

     "Well, I can see why Robert sent you here," she said circling me. I moved as if to get to my feet, but she pushed me back to my knees.  "You will stay there until I say otherwise," she stated firmly. Her voice was icy, to say the least. As she passed in front of me, I allowed my eyes to wander up. Just as my gaze reached her expertly made-up face, she stopped. She stood imposingly over me in her black spike heels, leather pencil skirt. Holding a riding crop in her perfectly manicured hands. Long, blond locks, waved around her face and down her shoulders, finished with perfect ruby-red lips. She is stunningly beautiful, I realized. A sudden surge of indignation rippled through me, why am I on my knees?  As I realized this thought, defiance strengthened me and made itself known as I tensed and stared deep into her eyes, feeling more than a little rebellious.

     Her gaze never faltered, and she stared me down. It seemed that a silent battle of wills was being fought. When I refused to back down, she reached down and grabbed me by the collar that I had been fitted with upon arrival. With unexpected strength, she pulled me to my feet. This firm, fast act caught me off-guard, and I had no chance to struggle as she deftly cuffed my hands behind my back and kicked my legs apart. Her gaze never breaking, she held out her hand, and the guard who had come into the room with her produced a pair of scissors he placed carefully into her open hand. Continuing to hold my eyes with hers, she took the scissors and cut my shirt from collar to waist.

     Realizing what she was doing, I broke the stare, looked down, and attempted to back away. "Don't make this any harder on yourself, Aria" she said coolly, "you already have two marks on your record." When I continued to try backing away she reached up and grabbed a rope that I hadn't seen before. Then as she nodded to the guard who came towards me, she yanked my collar and dragged me back to the center of the room. Eva then tied me in place, held my collar by a length of rope, and kicked my legs apart again. She finished cutting the remnants of my shirt off me. Next was my bra. Then she cut down the sides of both legs of my pants and they fell off in a heap between my spread feet. When she went to cut my underwear, I jerked away, again.

     Grabbing my nipples she pinched down and jerked me hard, pulling me back towards her. "You do not want to make this hard on yourself. Todd, please get the brat kit, I think this little troublemaker needs a reminder of who's in charge here."  Her stern, level tone made my resistance crumble, and I stopped struggling. She then cut my underwear from me. A new feeling washed over me in that moment, and I looked up at her silently pleading.

     "Don't think that that will work on me. You were warned, and yet you persisted. I gave you enough chances. Your defiant attitude has left me with no choice."

     I whimpered like a puppy. What is wrong with me? I am a grown woman, damn it! How could she have this effect on me? I thought, furious with myself.

Author's note if you like this chapter and would like to hear more please let me know. I'm not a huge fan of writing Cliffhangers but this one works better as a cliffhanger. if you want to find out what happens next please vote for the story. also I used my phone's dictation service to write this so if you notice any major errors please let me know.

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