Wait, what? Mentors?

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I'm playing around it's this idea right now, I'm not sure if it'll work out. So be warned, if this doesn't work out I may rewrite this part. If you really like or dislike this section let me know.

     I stirred sleepily, turned my head, and opened my eyes. One of the first things that I noticed was someone sitting on the end of my bed. I tried to sit up a little bit. As my bleary vision came into focus, I could make out that the person sitting on my bed was Mistress Silver.

     She wore what looked to me to be a satisfied look, which started a chill that ran down my spine and right through me. However, as her face came more into focus, that satisfied look started to look more and more pissed off. I pulled the blanket up around my nearly naked body, as I sat up facing her. There was a long silence as I respectfully waited for her to speak first.

     "Well, well, well", she sneered. "Seems our little escape artist is awake. I hope you had a good recovery rest, because you're not going to get much sleep from here out. Our program works through a mentor-ship." Here she paused and glared at me, I wondered what the hell I had done to deserve it. "Generally, your mentor would have been chosen from among the staff here at the prison. However, you seem to have a well placed friend or two. Or maybe you are just very unlucky. Either way, your mentor is not from within The Academy, but rather a Domme from outside who not only went through the vetting process to be legally allowed to mentor you, but also specifically requested to mentor you."

     I couldn't help it. I had to ask because there was only one Domme that I knew and I couldn't begin to understand why she would do something like this. "Who is she, Miss Silver?"

     Mistress Silver reached out and slapped me across the face. "Were you given permission to speak?"

     I hung my head, my hand automatically cradling the stinging on my face. "No. I was not, Mistress."

     "Then should you have spoken?" She asked, allowing her detestation to shine.

     "No Mistress, I shouldn't have. I. . . I'm sorry. I just let curiosity. . . get the best of me", I managed to get out haltingly. I looked at the floor.

     The door opened and closed, but I did not look up. The click of heels resounded in the tense quiet as someone walked up to, then around behind me. A hand softly snaked around my throat and another hand took a hold of my hair very firmly. I kept my gazer lowered.

     "I can take it from here, Silver", the new woman stated smoothly. Her voice was cool and firm, almost challenging. I chanced an upward glance with my eyes only, and Mistress Silver looked as if she had been slapped. A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth, but then the hand holding my hair yanked back, and the grin dropped quickly from my face. "And you", she started as her face moved closer to mine, "I am very disappointed in you." 

     Her voice was somewhere between a growl and a purr, and as my eyes caught site of her, my jaw dropped. I must be dreaming! It cant be. . . could it?

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