Mistress Silver

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     Sitting on the nearest empty bunk, I began to take stock of my situation. The nearly naked girl next to me leaned over towards me.

     "Welcome. Whatcha in for?", she inquired.

     "Driving under the influence. You?" Her face changed expressions quickly as her eyebrows raised her mouth dropped open and she went from curiosity to shock. 

     "You're here for a Fucking DUI?!? What the hell! This is the highest rated reform center ever! Maximum rehabilitation. They never send people here for petty stuff like that. So either you're lying, or someone wanted you here and was willing to pay big to get you in here." She shifted back to where she was sitting. "As for me, I'm in here for robbery and second degree murder."

     The conversation was cut short by the shrill call of a whistle from the other side of the room. It came from a short, fit woman, with long silver hair holding a riding crop. She looks like a frau, I thought sarcastically. Everyone raced out of their spots and got up to line up at the foot of their beds by the bars. I didn't move but laid myself back down.

     I heard heels clicking across the linoleum floor. They came closer and finally stopped level with my bed. I had my head at the foot of my bunk, and ignored and paid almost no attention to whoever it was at the foot of my bed. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab me by my ponytail. Before I knew it, I was dragged from the bed by that ponytail. Wincing, I barely got my feet under me as I fell at my assailant's feet. She released her grasp on my hair.

     I looked up into the woman's face, a wave of defiance again coursing through me, but then the wave quickly abated and I backed down as I saw the angry flash in her eyes. "Why weren't you in the lineup, prisoner 3295?" Her tone was harsh and demanding.

     I got up to my feet, turned around, and started moving away from her at the same time. "I have a name! I am not a number And I'm not in the lineup 'cause I didn't know I was supposed to be in it! If you had simply asked me to join the lineup, I might have done so, but now since you had to be all rude about it, I think I won't." And with that, I laid back down, and ignored the shocked looks on the faces of everyone who crowded in to see the commotion.

     "You little . . ." she said through gritted teeth. "You will get down here, and join the lineup right now! Or else you'll spend the rest of the day regretting it!" Her tone darkened when she said, "I will not ask you again."

     I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her quizzically. Then I shook my head. "Sorry. I'm not going to join the lineup on your orders. I don't even know who you are."

    "You are going to be sorry. Call me Mistress Silver, and you just bought yourself a ticket to my personal dungeon. Report to Dungeon four in ten minutes. And don't even think of not showing up. If you don't show, the guards will find you, and bring you to me. Trust me when I say it will make your punishment worse." And with that she walked out of the room. 

     "The rest of you, as you were!" She projected her voice down the corridor.  As she walked away, I couldn't help but notice the graceful sway of her hips, swishing side to side in time with the loud clacking of her heels, echoing to a fade as she went back down the hall.

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