Mistress Alice

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     I sat on my knees, settling onto my heels, my hands on my thighs and stared. This suite made Mistress Silver's dungeon look average. On my left was a large well lit kitchen. The black marble counter-tops gleamed under the bright drop-down lights; flecks of blue were visible. The metal parts of the kitchen were all stainless steel and shining. The cupboards boasted carved, cherry stained, wooden doors. To my right was a door that led to a bedroom. Beyond it was a large bathroom with a shower and a tub that looked more like a hot tub than a bathtub. At the far side of the entry room I could see a room that appeared to be a dungeon, but the door was almost closed so I couldn't see too much detail. The room that I was in had a beautiful sea-foam green leather couch on one soft tan wall, facing a large flat screen TV. There was a soft white area rug on a warm wood look floor. Above me suspended from a high ceiling hung a simple crystal chandelier. The room was understated and well designed.

Mistress Alice tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped. I had been so caught up in taking in the room around me that I had not noticed her removing the lead from my collar. "Welcome to my quarters," she said. "It's a bit more.... well, more than I'm used to as you know, but it is the standard for Mentors and Dominants here."

"It is amazing, Mistress Alice," I said in awe.

"You may stand freely here if you should wish," She said. "But for now come sit with me on the couch. We need to talk."

I crawled over to the couch and sat down next to Her. The tone in Her voice made me a little worried, but I knew She would never hurt me. "Aria, I am proud of how you handled facing down your fears." She took my hand in Hers. "However, your behavior up until now, well, I'm seriously disappointed. I expected better of you. I want you to promise me that from now on there will be no more attitude from you; towards me, or anyone else."

I hung my head. Her disappointed tone hurt me more than any punishment could have. "I understand, Mistress Alice. I will work harder to improve, I promise you!"

"Good. Now, I know that you're out of your element here. You know a little of this from your questions to me over the years, but you need a crash course. First of all, as you already learned, respect is one of the most important virtues they are cultivating in the prisoners here. Trust is the notable exception since nothing can be accomplished without the trust bond between the Dominants and prisoners." She leaned over to her coffee table, opened a notebook there, and pulled out a stapled set of papers. "However, there are other things you must also learn. It is the job of every Mentor here to instruct their mentees about these things."

Handing me the papers, she started, "you will need to review this information. I made you a handout to give you something to reference as needed. I will go over the highlights with you tonight."

I don't know what came over me, but tears welled up in my eyes. "Oh Alice! Thank you! I've been so lost and confused! They slapped this collar and restraint on me so fast. Its as if they expected me to just know how I'm supposed to behave or how things work around here! But no one really told me much before everything went sideways even more!"

Alice took my hands into hers, setting the papers back down. "Its okay, Aria. I'm here to help you. I asked specifically to be your Mentor, and this is part and parcel of the job." Her sweet genuine smile, warmed me.

I looked at Her, and a sense of relief and calm washed over me, as I realized that she had the situation under control. I trusted her judgement and strong authoritative presence. "You have everything in order, as usual, Alice."

"Let's start there." She put my hands back into my own lap, and picked up the stapled papers once more. "Honorifics are a must, especially here. You must stop calling me 'Alice'. From now on, it's 'Mistress Alice', even here in private. Keeping the formal titles will help keep your head in the right mindset. You may also use Sir and Ma'am when addressing Dominants for the first time, when answering questions, or when you are unsure of the Dominant's name or formal title."

She looked down at the first page. "Okay, addressing Dominants, covered." She bit her lip as she read through her notes. I always thought she was so cute when she did that. "Alright. Let's talk a bit about the philosophy of this facility." I snapped back out of my thoughts.

"Philosophy?" my incredulity was impossible to hide. "You have got to be kidding me?"

"Aria." Mistress Alice shot me a sideways glance to underscore her disapproving tone. I was immediately chagrined. I felt my face get hot and looked down at my hands in lap, which were suddenly very interesting. "As I was saying. There is a philosophy that underscores the rehabilitation program here at The Academy. They subscribe to T.H.I.R.D and S.S.C."

My eyes moved up slowly and I looked inquiringly at Mistress Alice as she continued, "T.H.I.R.D. stands for Trust, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, and Discipline. While S.S.C. is Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Of course, the consent was granted by the court that sentenced you here and is at all times legal, binding, granted, and understood. We already covered trust and respect. I expect you to live up to the T.H.I.R.D philosophy, and the Dominants are trained to do the same as well as to keep punishments Safe and Sane." Here she paused a moment, looking as if she were holding back something then she said, "Aria, I am so sorry for what happened to you at the hands of the freighter captain. Nothing like that would have happened to you here. No one would have beat you like that. You may have been caned, but never to that degree. . . I . . .", she faltered as tears welled in her eyes.

I could see the pain in her eyes. I turned to her. "Mistress Alice, please don't blame yourself for that. It was outside of your control."

"Thank you, Aria." She reached out and enveloped me in a hug

After a few minutes she gently pushed me off the couch on to my knees  on the soft carpet. "It's late, and we have to be up in a few hours. Just for tonight, you may stay with me if you wish."

"I would love that Miss Alice. Thank You."

"Follow" she led me into the bedroom where I joined her on a lucious pillowtop mattress with silly sheets and we fell asleep together."

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