My Mistake

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     After she left, I lost no time getting out of the dorm room. We were allowed to wander most of the prison 24-7, so there was no risk of being stopped by the guards. I wandered through hallway after hallway. They were spacious and clean;  well lit, but not with a cold neon hue. It was amazing to me how such a large facility was lighted in a manner that felt warm. The floor was pretty boring, covered in a black sandpaper like nonslip substance. The walls were painted in hues of grey and deep blues.

     I passed the cafeteria which looked more like the formal dining room of a fancy restaurant, with the exception of the three tables raised up in a dais. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from the high vaulted ceiling. The walls were covered in forest green, not so dark as to spoil the grandeur of the room. I kept going, past a darker staircase. I froze when I saw that it lead down to dungeons 2-4. 

     I hurried on quickly, not wishing to be seen. Glancing out of the windows as I hurried past, I caught glimpses of the space outside. It was so vast and lonely. I shivered and hurried on. Down one hallway, I spotted an airlock. It was guarded by two men who looked menacing enough. I kept going. Near what must have been the clinic, I found a corridor that was lined on both sides by cupboards. I tried each and every door, knowing that I must quickly find a hiding place or risk being caught by the guards. Eventually, I found an unlocked and surprisingly empty cupboard. I crawled inside, and shut the door behind me; shutting out the warm lighting of the prison.

     I heard the door click, and I immediately tried to open it. The door wouldn't budge. I am locked in!  I took a deep breath, and didn't panic because being locked in also meant I was hidden out of sight. Also, even if the guards checked the cupboards, they couldn't possibly think I was in the locked one. It locked from the outside.

     About ten minutes later, I heard voices. A two men were discussing moving plans for old items. They came closer and closer to the cupboard I was hidden within. I began to worry, what if they opened the door? The door rattled as if someone was trying to open it. "It hasn't been used since we lost the key. It has a tendency to lock every time the door closes", I overheard one of the men say.

     Now I was really starting to worry. If the prison didn't have the key, how am I going to get out of here? Am I going to be trapped in here forever? However, I was more worried about being found and dragged back to Mistress Silver. So I stayed as quiet as I could. Then I heard something being rolled up to the cupboard and the ratcheting sounds made by cargo straps being placed around it. I braced myself, waiting for it to tip. When it did, I relaxed back into place. Then the cupboard began to move. It was a smooth ride, until we went over a bump. Then I heard the airlock open and close.

     The hum of a ship became evident a short time later. The guard said goodbye to someone and I heard the hiss of the airlock closing a final time. The cart was moved again. The floor here was uneven, possibly grated from the sound it made. I was bounced and bumped within the cupboard down a set of stairs. Then I heard a door open, the cupboard was tipped back upright, and I heard the footsteps of a person move into the distance, as the door closed behind them. 

     Then, I heard and felt the ship disengage from the prison. I curled up to sleep, not believing my luck. Have I actually accidentally escaped the prison? The gleeful thought eased my mind and exhausted, I rapidly found sleep.

     About five minutes later, the belt came to life, vibrating like a sex toy. I laid there for a moment before the sensations registered, this is rather enjoyable.  I was a little confused as to why the belt had a vibrator let alone why it turned on, but soon I felt too good to care. As I rose quickly towards climax, my mind wandered off to slip into a fantasy.

     Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the vibrator abruptly stopped leaving me right on the edge of orgasm.  Noo! This can't be happening. I need.... I need to cum , dammit!  I pawed at the belt desperately trying to resume the vibrating. It felt like even one touch would send me over the edge, but despite my frantic attempts to resume the stimulation to cum, I could not.

     A few minutes later, just as I was beginning to calm down, it came on again. Again, it stopped me just short of orgasm. This cycle repeated itself; again and again. I thought I would go crazy with the need to cum.

     Finally a soft spoken message played from the belt. "Prisoner, you are not allowed outside of the prison. This denial cycle will continue until you are returned to the prison. If you want this to stop you must press this button to turn yourself in." A panel opened revealing a button. I didn't want to push it, knowing that I would be dragged back to the prison and surely I would be punished for trying to escape. I knew also that Mistress Silver would take my escape as a lack of respect. At that moment the belt shut off again leaving me on the edge.  

     I suddenly realized that even if I could get free, which was highly unlikely, I would still be marked by wearing this belt, which had my prisoner number clearly inscribed on it. The cycle began again. Even if I can get out of the belt and collar some how, I would always be on the run. I would never see Alice again. I don't care if I never see my douche-bag of a husband again, but to never see Alice again. To never have her tell me I was being a fool; that I needed to learn a serious lesson. I can't live with that.

Oh, Alice what would you say if you could see me now? Would you say that I was being a fool for disrespecting Silver?  I realized that no matter what the consequences might be, never seeing my best friend again was too high a price to pay for my freedom. I caved and pushed the button. A siren screamed and the klaxon blared down the halls. I tried to shut it off by mashing the button again. I was panicking now... Oh no! I'm going to be found!

     The ship's even hum stopped. It sounded like the door opened. The other man came in.  I heard him unstrap the cupboard, then I heard the door being pried open next to me. I shrunk towards the back of the cupboard as much as I could at the angry sound of his muttering about delays. He finally got the door open, and before I knew what had happened, he had dragged me out of the cupboard and onto the rough floor of what must have been a cargo ship.

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