Flashback to October, 2208

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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

     My phone was buzzing almost constantly with text message alerts. The alert pattern told me it was my husband, and not wanting to answer, I put my phone on silent. He and I had a huge argument earlier today, and I was currently spending time with my best friend, Alice, and her submissive-girlfriend, Anna.

     Being around Alice was calming, and gave me a sense of security I never felt around anyone else. When we were younger, she was my protector from my classmates at school and my confidant for all my secrets. No one knew me better.

     In fact, when Alice had met her current girlfriend, Anna and I had often fought over Alice's attention. For this reason, it had taken a long time for the two of us to cease being mutual frenemies and become true friends. Alice, for her part, was not amused by either of us for our jealous fights, and had made her disappointment and displeasure quite clear to both of us.

     My phone screen lit up with an incoming call. I buried my phone under me, or at least I tried to, but Alice was much too quick for me, and she took my phone and answered it. Damn it. "Hello? Jason?", here she paused. "Yes, this is Alice. . .", after letting my husband know that it was her and not me on the phone, she left the room. When she did not return for some time, I began to grow worried. However, just as I was about to go looking for her, she returned.

     She didn't look very happy with me. For a moment I was confused, then I remembered that I had promised my husband, Jason, that I would attend his work party with him tonight. Our argument had driven this completely from my mind. It was the type of party that showing up without a partner was a huge embarrassment.

     "Isn't there somewhere you're supposed to be right now, Aria?" She asked me.

     I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them defensively. "I'm not going to that goddamned party!  After our argument earlier, I don't care if he is embarrassed! Serves his ass right!"

     "Aria! I know you're upset about the argument, but that doesn't mean you can break your promises, especially when it's your husband's job that is hosting the party. Also, there is a sale of stocks at the company and ,although I cannot reveal what they are selling, it would benefit you a helluva lot to be there. However, as we both know I am not your Dominant, I am your friend.  I cannot force you to go."

     She came and sat next to me, wrapped her arm around my shoulder gently, and I began to relax a bit. "I just, I don't want to be alone with him right now."

     "Will you go if Anna and I go with you?" She asked gently.

     I really didn't want her to be disappointed with me, "I guess... if I must."

     She smiled at me, "You must. Now, come upstairs, and get changed. You can wear one of my dresses." We changed into formal wear, and Anna drove us to the hotel where the party was being held. Alice and I sat in the back chatting on the way.

     We arrived without incident, and my husband greeted Alice and Anna first, before turning to me. He made no effort to disguise to me that he was upset. Serves him right, I thought.

     A few minutes later, all company employees were called into another room for the auction that Alice had mentioned. Alice and Jason left to attend. Since we had no interest in it, Anna and I were left alone in the grand lobby to talk. Anna looked uncharacteristically nervous, although I couldn't even begin to guess why. She and I got drinks, sat to wait, and tried to make small talk, but the conversation was strained. We may be friends, but sometimes being friendly was a chore.

     About an hour later, Jason returned and he looked very pleased with himself. "I did well tonight", he said. "These investments will be of huge benefit to me in the near future." Bully for you, I thought as I forced a smile for his benefit. Now, where is Alice?

End of flashback


Authors Note-

Sorry guys, I know you were hoping for another chapter at the prison. The fact is, aria is healing. It will take time for the wounds to heal. It made sense to do this now.

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