Warden Eva's pov

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I couldn't believe Alice and Silver! The pair of them needed to learn a serious lesson this time.  Their bickering normally was... ignorable, but to drag a new sub into it? To use her as a pawn?!? That is totally unacceptable. It reflected poorly on them, and by extension me as well.

When I had met Silver, she was at the depressing end of a long string of failed carriers and relationships and had totally given up on herself. Her need to control things had gotten to the point that she no longer was able to separate situations  where it was appropriate and those where it was not. I taught her and rebuilt her and helped her find her place and we became good friends.

Several years later, Alice came to me. She sought me out and practically begged for me to teach her. A natural Domme, she learned quickly. I met her sub, Morgan once or twice and I knew I had taught her well. Silver, however, did not enjoy my taking on another student. Sadly, it was a while before I truly realized just how territorial she had become over me as a friend, and by then it was too late. Not seeing another option, I sent them both away for a time.

They came to resent each other. Each blamed the other for being the reason I had had to distance myself from them. Neither saw that their own actions were to blame. Eventually, after numerous pleas from both of them, separately, I told them that both of them could return to my side if and only if all of the jealously and fighting between them ceased. Alice agreed quickly, Silver more slowly, but they both agreed eventually.

Silver soon found a job at The Academy with me and Alice kept in touch with me and visited often. They had been nice, even almost friendly to each other all this time. I had preferred to keep Silver in charge of her own wing if the prison rather than give her a direct mentor ship role. It wasn't because I trusted her less, but I felt that she was better in that role. She had applied numerous times for  mentees and I had chosen others for the job.

Perhaps I should have though a little longer about the effect that giving Alice the role that Silver had wanted for so long would have. I knew that Alice was the best person for the job however, because of her preexisting relationship with Aria.

Aria, she was a puzzle. She was obviously a natural submissive and she definitely wasn't a vanilla. Yet, she seemed so scared of her own nature. Perhaps I should look into her past, maybe there's an event that sparked this fear. When put in the right situation, she easily slipped into the role as she had when the fight had left her when I first saw her. And again, as she had when brought to face Silver. She definitely had a playfully bratty side, but there was more. She actually seemed to be afraid of letting go and letting her nature take over.

I decided Aria was a puzzle for later and turned to face the pair of women sitting in front of me. I took a deep breath and making sure my voice was strong and yet conveyed my disappointment in them I addressed them " I don't know what the hell has gotten into the pair of you, but it ends, now! Silver, you promised me this wouldn't happen again. As for you Alice, you took on the responsibility of the position and you promised me you could handle it, but the little stunt that you pulled this morning could have gotten Aria in a lot of trouble. What do you two have to say for yourselves?"

Silver spoke first. "With respect, Eva, I have done everything possible to not have us land in this situation. Although I do have my issues with Alice and with her being here, I have come to realize that everything you do you have a good reason for. I was surprised that Aria knew Alice. I wish I would have known before Alice came here. However, it is my own fault for not fine combing her file. I thought it over last night and I realized that you gave Alice this assignment because Aria knows Alice and trusts her. I worry however, that behavior like Alice showed this morning may ruin her. She has such great potential."

"Very good Silver. You are right, I did give Alice this assignment mostly because she was already friends with Aria. I know that you have wanted to mentor someone for a long time and I know you were hoping to be the one to break down the walls of the sub who at first sight seems to be simply downright defiant. I haven't not chosen because I think you're incapable, but because you will be happier in the role that you're in than as a mentor I'm very sure of that."

"Yeah, yeah, good job Silver" aria intoned sarcastically. "Maybe you should get a fucking medal. I never wanted your place, but you had to go ruin my chances at learning from Eva." She sat sullenly with her arms crossed, glaring at me.

"Alice! Stop that this instant! You sound like a three year old right now." I was livid. "Silver, you may go, I'll meet you at your dungeon in about an hour, I need to talk to Alice. Oh, and Silver?" Silver turned, hand on the doorknob. "Take Aria with you."

A sideways glance showed me Alice's clenched fists and white knuckles. I had riled her by letting Silver take Aria, what she didn't know was that it was intentional. Something was bothering her and I intended to get to the bottom of it.

"Alice, I can't help you if I  don't know what's bothering you. Talk to me."

"Everything is bothering me! Silver, Aria being here, Aria nearly being beaten to death, being away from Morgan, having to deal with Silver, Silver being so damn protective of Aria when that's my job, all of it!"

I was taken aback. If I had known all of this. If she had come to me. I took a minute to collect myself before trying to decide what to do.  Her jealous protectiveness of Aria must end. She needs to let go. Maybe if I make her share? No, that would make it worse. She needs to know that Aria won't be taken from her, But first, this attitude has got to end.

"Alice, you should have come and talked to me. Yet, I think you know that. Now, you're attitude towards Silver, was unacceptable. That is something we will deal with later, but it ends now. Understood?" I put as much power behind my words as I could so as to leave no room for argument. I knew I had succeeded by the immediate change in her posture. I almost felt maybe I had gone too far. She seemed to shrink a bit before me.

"Yes, Miss Eva, I understand."

"Good. Now about this morning Aria was to return the pads to Silver before the lunch bell, why did you not wake her?"

"I, I, I- " she stammered. I crossed my arms, unimpressed. "I know it sounds stupid especially right now, but I wanted Aria to oversleep. I would have returned the pads to Silver later, but I never expected her to be so focused to get them back to her that she would steal my clothes and run off as she did. Honestly, dispite the rule breaking involved, I'm rather proud of her determination to be true to her word. I wish there were a way I wouldn't have to see her punished for my mistake."

"She did do well to be true to her word and for that there will be a reward. However, her actions towards Charlene and her stealing clothes which she knew she was not to have, can not be ignored. Also,there's something else, I saw her this morning and called to her, a call which was completely ignored. It was how I knew something was up. Now, I am going to leave it up to Aria  to either stay in this wing or move to my wing. Now, while I am sure that you would rather switch, I do not want you to lean on Aria to choose one or the other. If she asks you for your preference you're to say that it is her decision. Whichever wing she chooses decides who will oversee her punishment for this morning. However, both will go easy, more of a reminder than a true punishment. Will that be acceptable to you?"

"I am not happy with her choosing  to switch or not, but the rest is OK."

"Her being the one to choose is the consequence for your actions. Understood?"

"Yes. I do, I just wish ..."she trailed off. I knew what she meant. She wished that the two of them could just switch already, but this was how I wanted it to be. Sure, there was a chance that Aria would choose me, but I suspected she would stay with what she knew.  If this doesn't work and she shows that she can't manage the role, I will be forced to take it from her.  Can I do that? Who would I give it to?

"Alice, go join Silver in her dungeon. I will meet you there shortly."

She stood and left, refusing to look back.

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