Chapter 1 ~ Forgiveness

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There I was standing about five or six rows away from the guy I've liked since seventh grade, considering I was a Junior at my third year in Yolanda High School. This was just about the strictest school in the state, Alaska that is.

Our principal was Mr.Lowell, he may sound nice but don't be fooled, he wasn't very all. He gave me a write up slip one time for telling my best friend I love her and giving her a hug. Public displays of affection were strongly frowned upon in this horrible, horrible place I call school.

Back to my 'love life', his name was Ryan Harold. He was tall, about 5 foot 9 which is tall compared to most the guys in my school. He pretty much always wore some type of name brand, whether known or unknown. I wouldn't say he was a jock, just well known. He did talk to a lot of people, but he didn't talk to a lot of people as well. Ryan had a good sense of humor, he used to laugh at a lot of my jokes, but once again...doesn't talk to me.

He was similar to my friend Ann. She had dark brown hair, so did he. They were both tall and good looking. Skinny, funny, just someone who you alway's want to be with. They were both sweet, loving, and down to earth people. Good role model's for little one's.

They each had a mouth on them, although they were great people they did say their fair share of not so nice things.

Ryan was just about the complete opposite of me. I was fairly tall,5 foot 4. I had short dirty blonde hair and talked to the same little group of people because I didn't feel right going outside my comfort zone. I didn't play any sports but he played basket ball. I honestly don't know what makes me attracted to him, something just got to me one day. It was as if a dream told me.

Oh yeah, no big deal right? Just the fact that I might be horribly in love with my ex-best friend who is a heart breaker. But no worries, Ann doesn't know about how I feel about him, no body knows. Unless they can read me like an open book with size 24 font, but I highly doubt that I make my feelings that obvious.

I really liked him a lot! He was in my third block theater class but rarely talked to me. I went to middle school with him which explains liking him since seventh grade. He talked to me a lot during those middle school years, we had the every class together in sixth, seventh, and eight grade. I honestly considered him as my best friend, until freshman year when he dated Ann and broke her heart.

I really hope he didn't do it on purpose, but I haven't really talked to him since the whole thing happened. He's just practically been ignoring me as if I did something horribly wrong. Who knows, with him I might have.

We were still sitting in our theater class when the bell rings. I get out of my seat to help my friend Ann get up as well, she had a bright orange cast on her foot like a boot. We got up and to our surprise Ryan is standing right at the end of our row. And that girls heart he broke, was staring at him with a confused look on her face.

"Um hey, Mariah...can I talk to you really quick, alone?" Great what did you want? I have no clue why I'm being a jerk considering he's pretty much my high school 'secret lover'. Who knows whats gotten into me.

"Sure,whats up?" I am trying so hard not to blush. I mean I still am mad that he hurt Ann, but then again everyone deserves a second chance after all.

"Well, I haven't really talked to you since we were freshman, and I just wanted to apologize for what I did." What? He shouldn't be apologizing to me, Ann deserves this more than I do!

"Okay..." Way to be a bitch Mariah.

"I honestly didn't mean to hurt her so bad. I thought she wasn't into me. But I guess I was wrong." Oh, no really? I though you were 100% right. Thank's for clearing that up dumb ass. "Forgive me?"

"Me, yeah. But what are you going to say to convince me to forgive you? An apology isn't enough." He chuckled knowing I forgive him but I just want him to make it worth it.

"Dear Mariah, I am ever so sorry for breaking Ann's heart as a Freshmen. I never intended to hurt her so badly. I wish thing's could go back to normal like they were in middle school. Will you ever forgive me or will I have to keep asking like a desperate puppy looking for a home. I'm so sorry" I think he's off the hook now. "So what do you think...friend's?" He flew me a smile I couldn't resist.

"Yeah...but um, I think you should really talk to Ann, I'm kinda over that whole thing, I bet-well I know it was all a huge misunderstanding."

Did really think that way? Or was this just spare of the moment?

"Oh yeah, but before I go to her. Do you wanna come over tonight to just talk and let this whole thing slip under our fingers. I mean I really want to go back to seventh grade when we could do practically anything together and not care about anything. I might sound like I'm babbling on like a fool so I'll just let you talk." He shot me a quick smile before raising an eyebrow questioning my response. I had no other choice but to smile because, lets face it his smile was so adorable.

All my feeling's are just rushing to my head right now. I would honestly love to have him as a friend again but can I have such strong feeling's for someone who I used to hate and be friends with them?

"Yeah, sure. I'm all for it but first you have to ask Ann to forgive you. Sound cool?" Again I gave into temptation and let my emotions do the talking.

"Si señor!" But before telling Ryan to get lost he ran off on his own to Ann, who had went to her Fourth block Creative Writing with the one and only Ryan.

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