Chapter 12 ~ Slaps and Gasping

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There I was,sitting in the coffee shop holding Ann's hand,you heard me. I've been working with Ann all along. I never really liked Mai,just an act...all of it. Ann told me if I were to pretend my love for Mariah then I would be her's, and that's what I wanted. You're all most likely thinking that I'm a horrible person and all,but I have my reasons for doing this.

I know I said that I want Ann,but when I kissed Mariah for the first time I-I felt something. Who know's what it was.Love? Disgust? No,Im not that bad of a person. I don't hate Mariah. You know how I apologized to her the other day at school about what had happened a few years ago? Ann's idea. And of course M made me ask Ann for her apology which was easy,we just talked about our 'plan' the whole time.

She was to run along to Ann and pretend to be all giddy and happy. It worked. I invited the two of them to my house. Ann strolling along to the bathroom so I could confess my 'love' to Mariah was plotted too.But lucky for us Ann came out at the perfect time. Even eating Taco's was planned,Ann told me they were M's we hopped on board with that.

Her grandfather's heart attack was NOT planned by the way. That actully happend,sadly. He's still recovering but he'll be fine.

Meeting up at friendly'd last night was the plan as well. Ann came up with that one though. I told her to tell Mai not to date me and it worked out better then I thought, They were fighting...badly. I know Ann's bi by the way. She told me how she uses to have feeling for Mariah,but they faded away.

There,now you know just about everything about our plan.

Anyway's,back to the coffee shop.Mariah walked in dumbfounded.Her jaw was dropped open wide and it looked as if she couldn't breathe, You know how I mentioned that I felt something when I kissed her,Im starting to think that maybe,just maybe is wasn't disgust,it was love. But what is love really? It's so complicated. We have a complicated love for each other,I think.

I realised I couldn't do this to her,as I was playing her,I discovered new feeling's that never should have been. They obviously happening for a reason : A good one that is. I stood up and made my way over to Mariah,to give her what I hopped was my hug,that lasted a life time.

You're all thinking what a bi-polar bitch I am,I guess you can talk that. I'm not bi-polar but I didjust change my mind about this very quickly. I am a bitch,there I said it. I attempted to pull my arm's toward's her but she refused and smacked my arm's away. Suddenly,she slapped me hard across the face,it felt like the sting would last for days,months,or even years.

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