Chapter 13 ~ What The Hell Just Happened?!?

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It's been a couple weeks since I was at the coffee shop with Ryan and Annica. Things didn't go so well but somehow they've all been resolved and everythings pretty much back to normal. Ryan and I are dating again but that happened later on after I slapped him hard across the face.


"Mai,I have something I need to tell you." Yeah Ryan,as if I didn't know that just by the look of things.

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" At this point everyone in the place was starring  "My god,what the hell is wrong with you."

"Mariah,I have to explain something to you." Pause. "Ryan never loved you like he said he did. He loves me,and something told me he did. So,the same gut instinct that told me he likes me,told me you like him. So I needed to change that. I couldn't stand to see you happy with the wrong guy,my guy."

I shook my head in disbelief,damn.

"Anyways,I came up with a plan for Ryan to fake his love to you so you're heart could be broken,you would forget all about me and not be mad when we got together. Besides,you're starting to get on my nerves." I needed to unfurled her,

"Then why the hell do you fucking like me!" Ryan's face dropped a little,I had already told him how Annica,or Anndra...whatever you want to call her,has feelings for me. I could care less about her real name Anndra,or whatever I come up with out of anger,Annica.

"Mariah,you need to fucking understand that we can't control our feelings for some people,I hate to say it but you're and arrogant bitch at time,but at other times I can't stand but to admire the ground you walk on." Pause. "Ya'know."

"Get a life,I can't believe you would do something like this to me! After all we've been through! Damn,get lost." I started crying,now legit...everyone was staring at us. "And for fucking you! You think you're getting out of this all sock and span! You have some explaining to do also!"

"Mai,I- I truly love you. I did have tiny feelings for Ann,something that made me drawn to her...popularity. I wanted to be king of the school,and Mariah...I cannot live without you. You're eyes just draw me in so that I can't stop seeking you. You're lips are so ever soft that they make baby's skin feel like unwanted wood,Mariah." he paused "I want to be with you,honestly."

I stopped to shake me head.

"I only went along with Ann for that reason,fame,popularity, I wanted it all...but now all I want is you." He looked severing sorry. "I'm sorry,I don't know what else to say to you."

I couldn't decode what the message was here. Did he like me or Ann?

I also couldn't decide what to do,forgive them? I was so caught in the moment,it was scary...I just walked out,plain and simple.


We didn't fix anything that day,except the fact that Ann is never going to play such an important role in my life again,I promise.

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