Chapter 3 ~ 'His' House

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"Mariah!" Screamed Ann as she was standing besides me practially jumping up and down.

"Yes ma'am?" I said back with a jokingly tone of voice and a chuckle.

"Ryan apologized to me! He told me he was sorry for every thing he's done and, guess what else he said?!?!" Whoa,you're just a bit over excited Ann.

"Go on." I really don't know what he said this time I just asked him to say he's sorry but I guess he went a little over board.

"He asked me to dinner with him tonight! At his house,he said to make sure you show up did he invite you to?" Why did Ann have to come too! I love her to death but really, my alone time with him has now vanished.

"Yeah, I told him I'd think about it but I'm going to go now that I know you are too!" I hugged her tightly. "I'm glad every things fixed between the three of us."

I broke our hug apart and headed to the bus, the ride was boring but short. I didn't live but 5 minutes from my school and I was the first stop off my bus. When I was home I went right up to my room and ripped my phone out of my pocket, surprise surprise!

Ann<3: AHH! I cannot wait for tonight!

Ann, she always gets worked up about the stupidest thing. Then it hit me, did Ann like Ryan too? No , she cant, can she?

Me:IKR! brb

I ripped my phone off my bed after throwing it down after texting Ann to see a new message

000-836-9927: You still comin over tonight?

My eyes lit up. Ryan?

Me: Ryan? This you?

000-836-9927:Yeah, i still had you're number in my phone :]

Contact saved!

Me:Ohh yeah,ill still be there for sure :D lol.

His smily face is sexy....just saying.

Ryan<3<3:Good,seee you 'roundd 6ish?

Me:Sii (:

I realized it was 6:00 so i should start getting ready to go,and leave to pick up Ann. I wasnt really the type to get all fancied up so just my jeans, sweatshirt and uggs. Yes I own uggs,but I don't like them. There ugly but so warm and furry. I finished up and went on my way to pick Ann up. I finally arrived.

"Ann! Get out here quick or we'll be late!" How I loved screaming at her for no reason. Soon after she came down to the drive way and popped in.

"Mariah, I have to tell you something." What could this be? A secret?


"I've had feelings for Ryan forever, since Freshman year. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I didn't know how to blurt it out. Please,don'tget mad." Oh my god. Really Ann, really? Should I tell her about my feelings for him?

"Okay.." Great, did i just blow it!

"Are you mad? Cause if you are the-"

"No Ann, why on earth would I be mad?" Why on earth wouldn't I be mad!

"No clue, but please don't tell anyone!" Of course.

"I won't, I promise." Liar! No I'm just kidding.

We were silent for a while then we broke it by turning the radio on full blast. I don't really think I was expecting what Ann told me. Why does she like him, should I ask? I have no clue what to do right now! But before I could think we were at Ryan's place. We lived but ten minutes away from each other.

We entered his driveway looking around us at the yellow and gray house. It was a two story with many square windows. I guess you can call it your average house.

Ryan met us at the door like the prince he is. Yes a prince, my prince. He opened the door for us like a true gentlemen and let us in first. If only he knew I pretty much loved him, I wonder how he feels.

"Hey." Why not start the conversation?

"Hey, taco's for dinner okay?" My favorite, I don't know what I'd do without them. Yum.

"Yes!" Wow, I must seem retarded.

"Wow Mariah, you like taco's!" She knows me so well.

"You know it! So hows it going?" Such a stupid question.

"Good, um you two?"

"Great!" Silly Ann.

"Excuse me, wheres the bath room at? I have to the bathroom?" Okay then.

"Up the stairs to the right...thrid door." He giggled. Ann walked up the stairs like a little kid.

"So Mariah, can I talk to you?" Me?

"Yeah, whats hot?" Whats hot...really?

"Well, there's someone in this house that I like, shes really amazing." I think im blushing.

"Okay.." I have no clue what to say so I settled with that.

"And her middle name starts with a P." Mariah Penny Jacie and Ann Palen Relue. Great

"Okay," Once again.

"Can you help me talk to her? I don't know what to tell her. I really like her."

"Who is this mystery person were talking about?" Great, he's not going to tell me.

"Well, her name is-"

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