Part Two ~ Answers

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I started following Ann but stopped when I saw her whip around and jump towards me. Throwing herself on my tackling her lips to mine with her legs wrapped around me hips.

So why not kiss back? Because of Mariah,that's why not.

"Ann." I managed to say peeling her apart from me.

"Ryan," She called out with a big smile on her face. "hi."

"You can't kiss me,I'm married."

"Yeah,that's - yeah." She said heading towards the door.

"Why don't you call Mariah?" She asked in a settle tone.

"That's a good idea,thanks Ann." I said somewhat hoping Ann would leave the room. "I'll do that."

I whipped out my phone and dialed Mai's number because I knew it by heart. It kept ringing when she finally answered.

"Hello?" She questioned.

"Mariah,it's me...Ryan."

"What?" She called back raising her voice.

"I know you think I'm cheating on you but I'm not,believe me? Please?"

"Ryan,FUCK YOU! I know you're cheating on me,so goodbye! You're never going to see Jane or I again! WERE LEAVING THIS HOUSE AS SOON AS WE CAN AND NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN!"

"Maria-" I started to pled but by this time we were disconnected,and it would stay that way forever.

"I'm sorry Ryan,this is all my fault. Damn,I ruin EVERYTHING!" She yelled it fits of frustration.

She did ruin everything that was ever important to me. But of course I wasn't going to tell that,she's already mental enough as it is. So what was I going to tell her, the casual 'No,don't worry!' or the 'Ifs fine Ann.' Or in this case how about...nothing.

I grunted and ran past her hoping not to make her any more, jittery then she already was. Slowly I made my way past her and walked down the hall with no idea where I was going. What has my life come to? Why is it that everything's happening now? What?





Reasons? Where there any reasons?

So far today,my fathers passed away,I'm forced to stay in a house with a psychopath who I apparently have a child, Mason with,I'm away from my lovely wife and my beautiful daughter,Jane, I've been stabbed, and to top it all off...I'm going to be one of Ann's 'slaves' and get a sex change? I don't think so.

As I was walking to the room of no return,I felt like collapsing. Right then and there,just letting my life float away for a while,to be lethargic for just the smallest bit of time.

But first,I had questions that needed answers.

Why was Ann in killer mode one minute and happy flower throwing moods the next?

I stopped suddenly in my tracks,I was about to find out.

I turned around and stormed into the room I just stormed out of.

Ann and I simply met in the middle,I was heading towards her and she was heading towards me.

"Ann,can a I ask you something?" I questioned not awaiting an answer,I just went for it anyways. "Why? Why do you change your mood all the sudden." I think I know the answer,deep down I really do.

"Follow me." She said quick and sharp racing to what seemed to be the attic.

I was right,it was an attic. We went up the spiral staircase that squeaked with every step. We were successfully up and sprinting towards a box filled with papers.

She dug through the papers and eventually pulled out a mdnulla envelope, and opened it up.

She grabbed a pile of stapled papers and handed it to me. "Open it,it'll answer all your questions."

I opened it,and was shocked and at the same time slightly confused about what was revealed inside this envelope.

I was right.



I know?(: Can you guess.

ANYWAY! I have 3 stories planned out on paper and one in me hsad(: This story is Almost DONE! 3-4 more chapters loves loves(: ): I'm happy and sad all wrapped into one.

I'm bored of this story but sad I can't write it anymore. But about the other stories,they won't be up until YNKUYT (Which I might change back to Ridiculously Odd because it's,better. (:) and it's squeal 'DFA' are up and done! I don't know if I'll ever let that bitch up xD (Yes it's DFA for a reason,you can know the name as of now(:"

So,sorry about the somewhat long wait,I got my phone taken away for a week. My phones where I wrote and update. I write on my phones note app thingy it came with and upload from the safari Internet,because you can do anything but read from the app pretty much.


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