Chapter 9 ~ Happy Day's...Please

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As I was storming out of the bathroom,out of Friendly's old memorie's just came and stabbed me right in the heart. I could'nt help but remember all the fun time's Ann and I had over our past year's. All the sleepover's, the gossip, the laugh's. Good time's bad time's,it didn't matter. Whenever we were together we were having a good time by laughing and making joke's.


August 18th, 1994

"Ann! Come her! I gotta show you something!" I'm so excited! I can't wait for her to walk in to see wht I need to show her.

"What!" Ann walked in asthonish by what was infront of her. A puppy, I got this for her for her birthday of course. We were both seven and she's turning

"Mariah I love it! Thank you so much!" She pulled me into a hug with the puppy lying on the floor. "I think his name is going to be harpie! Yay! Harpie!" Ann was so overwhelmed by the puppie's adorable face.

"No problem! I have to go. Bye Harpie, bye Ann!" I walked out thinking about the puppy and how much time the three of us would play together. We'd go to the park and roll around in the grass,we'd teach him how to do trick's like roll over and speak,of course he'd get a tiny bone of course.

A couple day's later we were doing all those thing's I thought about. It was amazing to go play with Harpie and Ann,my best friends! Few week's after we played Harpie passed. I was so sad! Me and Ann slept the night at my house so we could have a funeral without having to bury the dog. The was a sad day,multiple good thing's happened,leading up to one bad one.


Maybe that's what's happening now. All of our good time's leading up to this bad one. Fun. Will I ever forgive her? Unknown. Will I ever be able to look at her without thinking of what just went down? No,I know that for sure. Will we ever be friend's again? Only time will tell.

We can never relive those memorie's...never again. Yeah there's a chance we could make up and go back to normal but I highly fucking doubt it.I'm hurt, and I think I really hurt her badly this time,when I did walk out Ann jus- wait a second why am I calling her that. When I did walkout Anndra had the most shocking look on her face, it was like a four year old girl on Christmas morning. Jaw open wide eye's with her cheek's pure red.

Back on task. I glanced over at our table to see it empty,Ryan must have gotten my purse for me. I think he know's what happened,he has to be dumb-founded. He has no clue about the feeling circle. I kepy racing toward's the door to see a figure sitting in the driver's seat of my car,aha...Ryan. I opened the passenger door plopping angrily in the seat tugging on my seat belt like Anndra's hair.

"START FUCKING DRIVING!" Man,he's probably thinking i'm crazy..but to bad. I'm pissed at a girl who I once called my best-friend...but like I said before,those day's are over. Ryan quickly pulled out of the parking spot starting our ride home,or where ever we were going. Obviously Ryan's going to ask what went down and I;m most likely to vent to him with more tear'sraining down on my face then there are now. Ah hell,let's get this over with.

"You don't have to answer this Mai,but what happe-? He didn't need to finish, I knew what he was tring to say.

"Anndra has feeling's for me." I struggled to get those word's out.

"What..I thought she was-."

"Nope,you thought wrong." I was still not breathing right from all the crying.

"Anndra?" He paused. "Her real name?" I nodded my head

"She also like's you too." His eye's got brighter,but not in the happy way,in the surprized one. "She said no,she either want's me or you all to herself. She just selfish,mother fucker." More tear's ran down my face...just when I thought I was done too.

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