Part Two- Discoveries

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Ann...I-I had no clue." No,I did know...I was right.

Ann had Multiple Personality Disease. Like I guessed before.

"Ryan,it's fine...I couldn't expect you to know. You weren't there when it happened,but you should have been." I should have been?

"How'd it happen?" Nosiness strikes.

"When I gave birth to Mason,he was two months early. The pain was horrible! They had to give me all kinds of medicine and shots just to get through the contractions. Besides the facts that he's two months early,he was born sideways instead of straight out." She sighed. "I passed out. He was still stuck inside of me for twelve hours, I was passed out for twenty-seven though. The doctors bad to pull him out of me. He almost didn't live. Neither did I,it was a miracle. I've had MPD ever since,I can't control it."

"Ann,is this-is this why you've been happy and sad on and off?" I paused running my hand through my hair. "I'm so so sorry Ann, I wish I could have been there."



"Okay." She said almost in tears. "Let's go." She started leading the way down to the main floor of the house when I interupted her.

"Can I ask you a couple questions, about Mason?"

"Yeah,go ahead."

"Does he have MPD too? Or is it just you."

"Just me, he never got it...but it's possible he could."

"So,is there medicine that keeps him away from the possibility...that makes him less mine to it?"

"No,but I take medicine that keeps me calmer than it used to be. Can we just talk about Mase now?"

"Of course,what's he like?"

"Well," She smiled. "he's quite the charmer. He's in school and staying at a daycare for now, my MPD needs to get better before he can stay with me again. I really miss him and I want him to have a good life, but I can't give it to him. He begged me to find his father. Somehow I heard you dad was in the hospital so I tracked you down so you could see him."

"I'll,I'll take him with me...if anything happens where to cant have him,call me...I'll take him under my wing. He is my son."

"Thank you so much Ryan,it means a lot." She flashed me a smile.

"No problem."

"Do you want to see him?" Really!

"I'd love too!"

"Let's go,but I can't drive..."

Ann wasn't all crazy right now so why not take advantage of it. "I will,let's go."


"MOMMY!" I'm assuming this was Mason since he was screaming out mommy. He was amazing. I could see myself in him a lot. His face,hair, eyes...everything.

"Hey Mason!" She said with tears in her eyes. "I haven't seen you since December!" She said letting the years roll down her face.


(Ikr,I'm surprised I'm writing her her POV too!)

Tears were streaming down my face,I couldn't help it. I haven't seen Mason since Christmas, and it's now June.

Mason was everything to me. He's the reason I'm here,but another reason why I shouldn't be here,and should be long gone.

Two years ago I tried to kill myself because I wasn't allowed to see Mason due to my MPD. I tried overdosing and was pretty sure it was going to work,and I was going to die...just like I had planned.

But them my thoughts roamed back to Mason and how bad I wanted to be with him. How could some one, let alone a child, want me to die this instant and could case me to want life again. So I fought for life again. I struggled away from the kitchen sink over to the phone,fighting for my phone,or any phone that came into contact.

And that's all I can remember. Of course the pain,confusion and all. The MPD only got worse.

Tears were still running down my face. "Momma,who's that?" Mason asked me.

"Sweetheart,that's your father." I said watching a smile grow upon his face,cheek to cheek.


WHAT! Don't you just love le surprises?

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