Chapter 14 ~ Moving straight along

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In the years I haven't been talking to Ann,they've been going pretty good. I asked Mariah to meet me at the park and she agreed. We talked about a couple of things but one was about the two of us together.


"Hello." Mariah said as she pulled me into a hug,which where always nice coming from her.

"Hey,how've you been?" I figured it'd be nice to ask,everyone does.

"Good for the most part,you?" Ah,the dreaded you?

"Shaken up actully. Im worried too." Hmh.

"Oh,about what?" She didn't seem like the happiest person at the moment. She wasn't asking any questions with any gone in her voice,besides boredism.

I think she knew what I was going to say.

"Look" "Listen" We both spoke at the same time. And laughed too.

"You first," I am such. Gentlemen.

"Well,were both,most likely talking about Ann,right? So..I wanted to tell you something. So here it is. I have to run,my moms waiting for me to start dinner." So be it,she left sliding me a piece of paper with RYAN. titled on it.

I watched her leave.

I opened the letter after waiting a while, about thirty minutes or so because I was reading on my I-Pod touch,Mariahs favorite book on some App called Wattpad,Why She Fell. It's not so bad of a book,I see myself as Daniel,who she can't help but to love,I'm smooth like that.

Dear Ryan,

I know things have been rocky for us,and I'm stil second guessing how you feel about me. I know you were on Ann's side a while ago. You told me you never meant to hurt me,and later texted me that you had no idea this would be the impact. See,that's what's going through my mind. Can't you imagine reeling how I feel if you were torn between your ex-bestfriend (current at the time) and the love of you're life? I honestly love you,but I have no clue of I can rebuild your trust. Please Ryan,tell me everything that's going on. it'll take some time but we can work things out if you really feel positively about me and aren't just lying to me. So with that being said,I'd like to end this with a positive note,

Yours only,



De la premier jour

Ton perfum enrire mon amour

Et dons ces instants

Jámierais ētre commo toi par moment

Maid depuis ce jour

Je n' ai qu'un seul et unqie regret.

Once again,


Wow,she always knew how to get to my heart.

That was a verse in French. These are the real words.

On the first day

Your perfume intoxicates my love

And in these moments

I would like to be like you in time

But since that day

I only have a single regret.

Sweet huh?


But,there's more to this story,we got back together a couple days later when I stopped by her after school and took her out for salads. I confessed my 'sins' or horrible doings and what not and took her by surprise by telling her my love for her was real.

It's true.

I,Ryan love ,Mariah.

And that's exactly what I wrote to her when I was in France visiting my deathly Father,Roy. If only she knew I wouldn't be returning,she'd be devastated.

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