Part Two ~ Never Stop Loving

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I wouldn't classifiy these as chapters,more like brief paragraphs put together. I'm thinking about making them A LOT not updating as fast and making them 2-3 pages each. What do you think!?



"Daddy!" Mason said running towards Ryan to hug him.

"Hey Mason." Ryan said startled taking a step towards Mase picking him up and holding him tight in his arms.

"Hey! I can't wait to show you all my toys! Come on come on!" Mason exclaimed grabbing Ryan's hand and lugging him towards the tiny play area.

It made me really happy to see the two of them bonding together. But at the same time,sad.

When Mariah and Ryan were on the phone together,it was killing me to know that I'm the reason there falling apart. That I'm the reason Mariah thinks Ryan's cheating,which he's not. I would never imagine him cheating in her,he's far to kind to think about doing anything like that.

He would really die to make everyone around him happy. He's such a caring person...and that's why I had feelings for him in high school.

But what was I think back then? Why would anything ever go the way I want them to! Really Ann! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT! Nothing ever falls nicely into play.

My life's been fucking cursed since the day I started hanging out with Mariah! First she mad me somewhat fall for her! I would do anything to be with her...but she fell in love! With who? Mr. hotshot Ryan Harold! So what did I do? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO! That's the big damn question here. 'Oh Ann how'd you deal with your heartbreak little faggot!'

IMAGINE HEARING THAT ONE MORNING OUT OF NO WHERE! Notonly are you heartbroken,but now your whole family knows your bi and they start harassing and verbally abusing me. FUCKING IMAGINE IT!

The same word getting repeated over and over every morning when you walk out the door,'Bye faggot!' Your mom screams causing you to slam the door. I still don't know what's going in my moms life,and I don't plan too.

Then there's the part about falling in love ALL OVER AGAIN! Trying to cope my best with Mariah,I start having feelings for Ryan...but don't fret...Mariah still popped up in my thoughts,driving me insane.

'BUT THEN! Then what happened Ann?' The two of them feel in fucking love! At the time yes,I knew about how I had been pregnant with Ryans kid and I was going to tell him! But then,I fled.

I didn't have the guts to tell him after how I'd just found out about the two lovers. More like a love triangle if you ask me!

So about seven months later,Mason finally came along chased my MPD,then B00M! 'Ann! Look who's back!' Shocker!

And now I'm here,suffering in silence...praying that my life can get back on track...and that things can get better!


I was playing in the toys with Mason when I realized Ann was gone. Where was she? It seemed like I was chasing down Ann a lot today.

"Mase I'll be right back,okay?"

"Yes daddy!" He's adorable.

I got up and searched for Ann.


I heard a loud noise and it came again very quickly after.


It came again. But what was it?


There was a scream.

"Ann! Is that you!"

I started running toward where I heard the loud noises.

I saw Ann. Lying there with a puddle of blood streaming from her head.

"A-Ann?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ryan... I can't do this anymore,I'm sorry. I'm making you suffer,it shouldn't be this way. If you never met me none of this would be happening. I'm sorry Ryan,for everything..."

And with that the unexpected happened. I never thought anything Ike this would happen.

Until today I had a great life. My father was still alive and almost fully recovered. Mariah still loved me. Jane still adored me,and now she probably heard Mariah upset. I didn't have any knowledge about Ann's MPD or Mason.

And now my life was crashing my breaking point.





"Hello?" I spoke into the phone with an anonymous number.

I really hoped that this wasn't Ryan. I didn't know it I could handle this shit anymore!

First he left me...and went to a different country,and now he's cheating on me! What if he wasn't? But why would he be with Ann for no reason?

"Hi,is this Mariah Harold?"

"Yes." I answered back,I wasn't going to be Mariah Harold for much longer. "Why?"

"We have some thing to tell you ma'am." The voice paused,it seemed like a females voice. "Your husband was involved in a horrible shooting today at Fields Day&Night Care. He sadly wasn't able to over come the bullet wounds he took to the head and chest and passed away."

I just stood there,mouth open wide.

"Wh-what?" Tear began streaming down my face,uncontrollably.

"The shooter, Ann Relue was suffering with MPD,or multiple personality disorder of disease. They were visiting their son,Mason Relue. The son took the mothers last name. Relue escaped into the bathroom and shot herself. Ryan came in moments later to help her,but she shot him as well. The son, Mason knows. And he has been ordered to be kept at the day care where he's been staying for half his life. Relue has attempted community suicide,so the son,Mason has stayed at the daycare for several months now. I'm sorry about your loss Mrs.Harold."

Tears were still rocketing down my cheeks.

Everything she said to me hit me hard. But what effected me the most? The fact she called me Mrs. Harold. And that's something I would like to be called until the day I reunite with Ryan.

Mrs. Harold.

And from that moment forth, I've realized one thing I need to do...

Never Stop Loving.



The books done! Hope you like it. I did t really tho,I mean yeah it was fun but it seemed like it just dragged on and on.

what! RYAN DIED! I cried while writing that. But the ending was sweet!ish... I figured I'd leave off where I started,with Mariah.


LOVE YOU! Please don't hate me for ending the story?:D

I know I said you would love it,but I think you hate it too xD

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