Part two ~ Dad?

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So,I've decided I want to make the story from one persons POV soon,it's getting confusing a bit. Ryans or Mariah's POV?

Btw,get ready for some drama!(: theres plenty of it in this chapter.



Ryan and I have been sending letters back and forth for a long time now. I recently found out he got a new phone from the store and he wants to call me. I'm all for the idea,I Mee him so much.

I miss everything about him. His brown eyes and the way they stare into mine whenever we talk. His fluffy hair and the way it feels when I run my fingers through it. I miss him massaging my shoulders and my feet when they hurt.

I miss him holding my hand when tough times roll around. I miss the way he would hold me against him when I was cold. I miss the way he acted with Jane,how much she loves him. I miss the way he would through Jane up on the air,wow. I miss the way he would never let us down.

I can't wait until our phone car later. I'm excited to hear his voice again. Every night I've been a little tears and so has Jane. We talk about how much we love him and miss him every night. We also mention positive memories when we're about to fall asleep lying next to each other.

"Mommy! Daddy on phoo!" Incase you didn't understand what she said,it was 'Mommy,daddy's on the phone.' Who knows how she knows what my phone looks like,but oh we'll. She can always pick out here daddy's face.

"Hold on sweetie!" I smiled. The moment has finally come where I get to talk to Ryan,the first time in weeks. I rushed over to Jane and grabbed the phone.

I saw Ryan's name,number and picture pop up on the screen. I pressed talk and held it up to my ear.

"Ryan! I'm so glad to hear your voice!"

"Mai." He sounded thrilled,I'm being serious!

"Hi,how's France?" I was over powered with excitement I didn't know what else to say.

"Great,my dads gotten better a couple weeks ago,but he's getting another surgery today."

"Oh,I'm happy he's better! I'm sure Jane is too. Where are you now?"


"Oh,I'm happy he's better! I'm sure Jane is too." She spoke. I heard Jane laugh in the back round. I can just picture her,her beautiful smile and contagious laugh.

"I bet she is,how's she doing? I'm at the Hosptial now." I couldn't help but to smile at my earlier thought.

"Shes great!" I don't know if she was going to say something else but I cut her off.

"I need to tell you something M,I'm not. Coming back home,my dad wants me to inherent the house. It'd be to much to ask for the both of you to pack everything up and more over here." There was a pause.

"Ry,what do you mean?" I heard her start to cry. "You're,you're not coming back?" She questioned

I heard doctors rush down the hallways screaming you name In a panic.

"Excuse me,is your father Roy? Roy Harold." I shook my head with a yes. I set held the phone to my ear.

"Sir,something went wrong with your fathers surgery and we would like you to see him."

"Mariah,I'll be right back. The doctors say my fathers surgery went wrong." This was pretty much worst case senerio. I felt horrible leaving Mariah hanging but I had to;I hope she understands.


"Mr. Harold we need you to come with us right now."

Fuck. I'm screwed.

"Mariah. I love you. I'll call you back in,well I don't know. But please understand. I want to be with you,I would give up everything if I could but I just can't! Mariah,I'm hopelessly in love with you. But I have to make sure my dads okay,this might be the last time I see him. Please,be strong...for me?"

"Yes,good bye Ryan." She didn't sound very pleased.

"This was Mr. Harold." I was already off the phone with Mariah at this point. I followed the doctors who were practically running down hall.

I ran until I came to a room.


"Dad!" I called out.

"Da-ad..." I couldn't believe my eyes



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