6. The Other One

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Hey guys! Sorry for keeping soooo many spaces between paragraphs. It's been 3 months since I've written in my computer. I'll need time to adjust again *sigh* .


A month had passed, it was November. Time was passing by so quickly. It felt as if yesterday was the day Draco fell in love with Ginny.

Draco walked up to the front of his room. Ginny was asleep. He didn't know why, but he just sat on the ground. Was all this right? What if Ginny would be hurt more? It would all be his fault if she died. Worse ... he wouldn't have the girl he cared for and loved the most.

He did tell Ginny the one thing he should've told her, before they were even friends. He knew he had a crush on Ginny, but he never admitted it, he coudn't allow himself to love her. If he knew that he would've been so happy being with her, then he wouldn't've ever thought twce before confessing his love.

But then, he loved the other one equally ...


We'll be okay ... right?

Ginny woke up saying these words in her head. She wasn't sure if she would survive, in fact, she didn't even have any hope of surviving now!

Ginny found a barn owl beside her. She yawned and then took out the letter. She read:

Dear Ginny,

I can't believe it! You're pregnant? Oh, I'm so happy for you! Don't worry, I'm going to come and meet you in Hogwarts, I've laready taken permission from Professor McGonagall. So that means I'll be having class here as well for some days! Oh, I hope Ron was here to see this...

By the way, this baby is yours and Malfoy's? If you love him, then I'm really happy for you.

Your sister,


It seemed that everyone started to know about it. Ginny was about to keep it away, until, her eyes stopped at two letters the end: P.S

Ginny read:

P.S. I'm sorry for not sending you any letters, as you told me to send you one everyday. I was just busy in school work.

Ginny totally forgot that she said that to Hermione. Oh well. She kept it aside on her table. She took out quill and started writing:

Dear Hermione,

I'm so glad you understand! But when are you coming? I can't wait! And yes, I'm pregnant with Draco's child. I love him, I really do!

And it's Ok for not sending me any letters.

Your sister,


Ginny tied it to the leg of the owl. She let it fly away. But ... she felt as if someone was saying something to her ... the words were low and sounded like someone's whom she knew very well ... the words kept repeating, the words were:

It was the wrong thing to do, Ginny.

But what was wrong in sending a letter to Hermione.

Ginny, it was wrong! Something bad - really bad's going to happen!

OK, now it didn't even make sense.

Ginny tried to walk, it was, of course, hard. She didn't want to be dependent on Draco. She put her hand on the wall for support.

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