Chapter 1

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Hi guys! The title of this story is from a You Me at Six song, so all credit goes to them. This is my first story on wattpad, and I hope you like it! please vote! And comment, if there's anything you think could be improved, let me know! xx If you bother reading this, you rock! happy readings! c:

-OMG! Just realised as I was reading over it how BORING this chapter is......But persevere, I can promise you it gets better! :)


I stood outside the stark looking white door, trying desperately to calm my frazzled nerves. It'll be fine, I tried to reassure myself, It won't be like last time. Examining the small black nameplate screwed onto the door, trying to ignore the rude graffiti scribbled all over it with a blue Biro, I read the words 'Mr Sykes,Room 106' I realised that the name on there matched the name next to the words 'homeroom teacher' on the sheet the helpful old lady at the reception had given me, whilst saying that it had "everything that I would ever need to know about Buffield High School" written on it. Attempting to slow my breathing, I knocked timidly on the door. The murmur of students voices coming from within silenced. "Come in!" called a deep male voice from inside the classroom. Taking one last deep breath, I pushed opened the door and walked inside.

Trying my best not to run back out of the room, down the street and back within the comfort of my own room, I turned my attention to the balding, chubby middle aged man seated behind a cluttered desk at the front of the room.He smiled at me and said cheerily, " Ah, hello! You must be......" He peered over his glasses at the computer monitor in front of him "Adira Amabel." there was the usual round of sniggers at my stupid name. The teacher cleared his throat. "Welcome! I am Mr. Sykes," Obviously, I thought, but didn't say anything."And I sincerely hope that everyone here will do their best to make you feel welcome amongst the student body, isn't that right, Micheal?" He glared at a boy sitting a row or two from the back who was openly texting someone. Micheal looked up at hearing his name and seeing Mr. Sykes and everyone else in the room, including me, glowering at him, flushed and dropped the cell into his bag.

Feeling nauseous,I stared at my brand new white converse that my mom had bought me on the weekend. No-one is staring at you, No-one is staring at you, No-one is staring at you, I chanted to myself. I looked up to meet the stares of thiry pairs of eyes. Shit. What little confidence I had left disappeared completely. "Just take a seat anywhere you want, Adira." Mr. Sykes told me, dismissing me with a wave of his hand before turning his attention back to the computer monitor.

I scanned the room for an empty seat.

The only chairs free were next to a bitchy looking cheerleader who was a barbie lookalike. She looked me up and down with undisguised disdain before turning her attention back to her manicured nails.

Another seat was next to a guy with zits picking his nose.Ew. No way. The other seat was next to an Asian girl with rectangular glasses and glossy black hair flowing down her back. She was shuffling her papers nervously whilst biting her lip. I went over to her.

As I bent over my bag, getting out all my stuff, She whispered to me, "Hi, I'm Chiara. I love your name."

"Thanks." I replied, smiling gratefully. No-one had ever said that to me before. "You too." We sat in silence for a while, catching snippets of other people's conversations, mainly revolving around, well, me. "What a freak," I heard cheerleader gril say to someone. "I mean, a black hoodie and ripped skinny jeans? Didn't someone tell her that emo was over, like, a century ago?" I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to break that perfect little nose. No, I told myself. I have to make a new start. No violence. I also heard a male voice say to his neighbour, "Hey, dude, isn't that new girl totally hot? I might ask her out!" I swivelled around to see who had said it, but couldn't catch anything else.

Chiara obviously heard it too, because she giggled. "Sounds like you have an admirer!" She whispered. I grimaced in reply.

As Mr. Sykes started roll call, Chiara turned to me. "Soooo...." She said,drawing out the word, chewing on the end of her pencil. "Where did you live before you moved to Buffield then?"

I looked up from the page I had been doodling on in my notepad. "I've always lived in Buffield."

She looked confused.

"I mean, I just used to go to a different school." I clarified. Her face cleared in understanding.

"Okay, so if you haven't just moved here, then why did you switch schools?"

I sighed, and closed my notebook. "I was expelled. Let's just say that I had a disagreement with another girl, she got the whole school involved, and it turned pretty nasty. We all thought it best if I moved." Her face registered shock then she composed herself again. She nodded.

In an attempt to break the awkward silence that had settled, she said brightly, "So what have you got next then?"

"Um..." I scrutinised my schedule. "Spanish, you?"

She looked pretty disappointed. "Oh, too bad. I have trig."

The bell then rang. "I guess I'll see you, then." She smiled.

"Yeah, bye!"

She disappeared in the crowd of people crushed together in an attempt to get out of the door first. I hung back. Mr. Sykes looked up at me "What seems to be the problem, Adira?"

"Um, Sir, I need directions to room 43."

He smiled. "Ah, yes. Turn right, and it's just down that corridor."

"Thanks, Sir." I said as I hurried out the door.

Following Mr. Sykes instructions, I came to a door that read 'Room 43'. I scanned the room as I entered, and spotted an empty desk near the back. Perfect! I went and sat down. As I was arranging my textbooks on the desk, I heard someone sit down next to me. "Hey, you're the new girl, right?" A male voice asked. I looked up into the freckled face of a guy with light brown hair and grey eyes.

"Um, yeah, that's me, uh..." Shut up.

"Cool. I'm Matt." He smiled.

"Adira." I nodded. I began to zone out, not really listening to anything or anyone, something I hadn't done for a while.Well, this isn't so bad. I mean, no-one recognizes me or anything.

Why would they recognize me? They don't even know me.

Matt's kinda cute.

What? Where the hell did that come from? I shook my head, as if to get rid of the thought.

Matt was looking at me like I was crazy. I smiled awkwardly at him, then turned to face the front of the room again, sighing.

This was going to be a long day.

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