Chapter 10

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Everybody who actually bothers to read my story

Dedicating it to all the readers because, as cheesy as it sounds, without you guys, I would have given up by chapter 1! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it so far!

You're all amazing!! *Virtual hugs*


I stared at her in shock. This isn't possible. How the hell did she find out what school I moved to?

I was a little pleased to see her nose wasn't as straight and perfect as before, and she had a bandage over it.

She laughed. "Your face is priceless! You might wanna take a picture, 'cause it sure as hell won't look that pretty once I'm done with you."

I looked around warily. The biker dudes had disappeared along with their bikes, and so it was only us out here.

I turned back to her. She had come alone this time. As she shifted, the sunlight caught on the blade of a knife sticking ever so slightly out of the pocket of her designer jacket. My heartbeat accelerated. She grinned when she saw me staring at the knife. She wasn't serious, was she? We stood in anticipation waiting for each other to make the first move. A bird tweeted cheerily, oddly out of place.

When she attacked, I didn't see it coming.

Her fist whirled out and caught me painfully under the jaw. She then kicked me, and I felt a stabbing pain in my ankle. She was wearing four-inch spiky stiletto heels. My legs crumpled underneath me and I fell to the ground as she punched me in the stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Fight back, goddamn it!

I tried getting up, but she kicked me again. I think she broke some of my ribs because there was a loud cruching sound where her foot met my side. I cried out. She pressed her heel into my stomach, making me gasp in pain. "Now you listen to me, you little bitch," She hissed. She chuckled, thought he sound was devoid of humour. " Can you believe we actually were ever friends?"

Yes, it's true. Unfortunatley. We were the best of friends a year or two ago.

"I'm here to pay you back for what you did to Sean. My brother.You know, the one you killed? Everybody knows you did it, so don't try to deny it. And the fact that you broke my fucking nose. I'll make sure to hurt you so badly that after this, no guy will ever love you because of your scarred, ugly face. Now shut the fuck up so I can get this over and done with. Don't even think about screaming." She snarled as she pinned me down by climbing on top of me. I wanted to tell her that I didn't do it, it wasn't me, but I couldn't breathe properly.

Pulling the knife out of her pocket, she ran her fingertips over the blade. She admired it as it glinted in the weak November sunlight. I felt a little dizzy. Suddenly, as though an idea had occurred to her, she looked at me, and then back at the knife. A cruel smile spread across her once pretty features, her evilness twisting and marring them beyond simply ugliness.

"Or I could just kill you and save the trouble." She said softly, her voice full of venom. What the hell? God, this girl was psycho.

I didn't want to have to beg her for mercy. But things were quickly heading that way.

I struggled underneath her, but she was strong.

She held the blade to my throat, the cold metal pressing hard against my skin. I took a deep breath.

Chill, she won't really stab you. She's just trying to scare you.

The knife pressed into my skin further, and I felt a sharp pain, then warm blood trickling down my neck.

Or maybe not.

"Isabella, please." I whispered, terrified.

"No." She snarled.

She sliced into my skin, and I cried out. My vision started going grey at the edges. She lifted my shirt and stabbed me in the stomach. Once. Twice. Three times. I screamed, but it was muffled because she covered my mouth with her hands.

"Any last words?" She sneered, getting up. She had blood on the front of her shirt. My blood. Noticing it, she zipped her jacket up.

I couldn't speak. She laughed. "Didn't fucking think so. See you in hell, whore." And with that she ran off, surprisingly agile for someone in four inch heels.

I tried to drag myself up into a standing position by grabbing the wheel of my car, but i was in agony. I fell back onto the gravel, smacking my head painfully on the sidewalk. I closed my eyes. I could feel my blood, soaking through my clothes, forming a pool around me. I heard someone scream from not far off, but didn't open my eyes to see who it was. I couldn't.

Then there was nothing but the blackness.

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