Chapter 12

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Hi! Me again. Just thought I'd mention, Buffield is not a real place! I don't think so anyway, I made it up. In my mind, it's in America. Obviously. Now I'm not American, I'm British, so I have no idea about all of the states, and the weather and stuff, all I know is that California is sunny. Lol. Anyway, Buffield is in one of the rainy parts. Also, I won't be updating for a while now, considering it's christmas. Hope you all have a good christmas, if you celebrate it! :D Enjoy!

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"Sean? Who's Sean?" Katie asked, confused.

"Sean," I began, "Was my boyfriend in my last school. He is-- was, Isabella's brother as well."

"Was?" Chiara asked, her face stricken. "You mean, he's--"

"Dead, yes." I replied in an even, cool voice, though it took a lot of work.

"Sorry." She replied in a grave voice.

"It's okay. I'm kinda over it now. Anyway, back in my other school, my life was perfect. I was liked by everyone, had a perfect boyfriend, and was popular. Yeah, a total cliche, I know. Isabella was even my friend.

"Anyway, one day I decided to go over Sean's house an hour early before his birthday party to help him set up. I went up to his room only to find him making out with another girl. He didn't notice me there, but she did. I didn't know who she was, and I still don't to this day. But anyway, she looked up and saw me. She smiled cruelly, and--"

I stopped. I couldn't tell anyone what I'd seen, they'd think that I was crazy.

The girls looked at me expectantly.

"What did she do?" Katie whispered.

"She-- She--" I stuttered.

" It's okay," Avery murmured. " You don't have to tell us if you don't want to. I understand that this must be hard for you."

I shook my head. " No, it's okay. She killed him. Stabbed him, actually." The girls gasped.


"She then left quickly, climbing out of the window. His screams made Isabella come upstairs to see what was wrong. When she saw me standing there, with Sean dead, covered in blood, she screamed. Then her parents came up, saw it, and they called the police.

" I tried to explain that it wasn't me, and tried to tell them about the girl, but no-one believed me. I was very lucky, because the court concluded that there was no evidence for either party and so I was okay to go. But it had a huge impact on my life. My mom now hates me, because she thinks I did it. Despite not going to prison, I still have a criminal record. Isabella told everyone at school that I killed her brother because he was cheating on me, and turned everyone against me, including the teachers. They decided that it would be for the best if I moved schools. So here I am." I shrugged, and winced.

They were all silent. I yawned.

"We should get going. You need to sleep." Avery said softly, and Chiara and Katie nodded.

"Okay." I sighed. Just as they were about to leave, there was a knock on the door.

"Um, come in." I said. It sounded like a question.

The door opened a fraction and Dan stuck his head in. My heart skipped as his eyes came to rest on me. Relief spread over his face.

"Adira! Thank God you're okay!"

Avery nudged Chiara in the ribs, looking from me to Dan with an amused expression on her face.

"Well..." She said, grinning. "Guess we'd better leave you two to it. Come on, girls. We got a bus to catch."

"Oh, hang on...Avery, isn't it?" Dan gave her a dazzling smile, making me feel strangely jealous. "If you want to wait around, I can give you all a ride home. It's no problem."

She faltered. "Um..." Her face flushed deep red.

"Yes, that would be great, thank you." Chiara answered for her. She didn't seem to be affected by Dan.

"Okay then." He turned to me.

"Just had to make sure you were okay. I came over as soon as I heard. Get some rest now." He said softly. Then surprising us all, me included, he quickly ducked forwards and pressed his lips softly to my forehead. Avery's eyes went wide. When he pulled back, his eyes were unnervingly dark.

"Bye." He said again, walking out of the room.

Wow. I was not expecting that.

The girls stayed where they were, staring at me in shock. I closed my eyes, not caring what they thought anymore, just wanting them to leave so I could sleep.

"Are you coming or not?" I heard Dan call them. They quickly left.

There was another knock.

I groaned. What now?

"Come in." I sighed.

My mom, the doctor, and two policemen entered the room. One was tall and thin, with wiry dark hair streaked with grey. He was very tired looking. The other was young, a trainee maybe, looking to be in his early twenties, and chubby. He smiled at me, and took a seat in one of the plastic chairs. He quickly got up again after a look from his employer.

"Adira Amabel." The older guy began.


"We would like to ask a few questions about the events of Friday afternoon. We--"

"Wait," I cut him off. He glared at me. I ignored him. "What day is it now then?"

"Monday." The doctor chipped in from the corner.

Monday? Wow. I must've been out for a while.

The policman cleared his throat irritably.

"Miss Amabel, Would it be alright with you if we were to record this conversation?"

"Um, yeah, sure, whatever."

The older guy pressed a button on a complicated looking device, whilst the younger policeman opened a notebook. Pen poised above the page, he asked me in a professional voice, "What time were you attacked on Friday afternoon?"

"Um, around lunchtime."

He wrote something down. "Okay, and do you have any idea who your attacker was?"

"I do, actually."

"Can you give me a name?"

I paused. "Isabella James."

He wrote that too.

The questioning went on for about an hour. My replies became shorter and shorter until I just resorted to nodding or shaking my head.

"She's tired. We should leave." The kind doctor spoke softly.

Yeah, you should. I closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of their feet on the tiled floor and the sound of the door clicking softly shut behind them. It was unnaturally silent, bleeping machine aside. I then heard someone walking along the corridoor outside, slowing to a stop outside my door. Oh, for fuck's sake. No, not again. Maybe they'd go away if they thought I was asleep. Whoever it was began to knock, but was cut off by my mother hissing furiously, "Who the hell are you?! Go away, she's trying to sleep."

"She's okay then." A voice answered. Zayden.

What the hell was he doing here?

"Yes. Now, who are you?"

"A friend."

Huh. Some friend.

"Well, you should've come earlier when the rest of them were here. No go, visiting times are over."

There was silence. I held my breath. With a sigh, I heard him walk off again.

I closed my eyes once more, letting my mind go blank. Pretty soon I was asleep.

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