Chapter 7

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I didn't see Zayden for the rest of the day.

He wasn't in the cafeteria, but then again he never was. I had a feeling he didn't like crowded places. He wasn't in any classes for the rest of the day either. Questions were whirling around my mind. How did he snap that pen like that in his hand? And why? I mean, you can't do that accidentally, unless you're Mr. Incredible or something.

But that was ridiculous.

 I had the strangest feeling that it was my fault, even though I couldn't see why. I guess I just felt guilty because of the way he had glared at me like it was my fault. Which it wasn't, I told myself, as I stood at my locker at the end of the day, packing my books away. The corridors were slowly emptying, leaving me standing on my own.

Reaching into my bag for my Ipod, I realised with panic that I'd left it in the library earlier. Shit. I quickly walked there, praying that nobody had taken it.

Opening the door, I sighed in relief as I spotted it on the table that I had been sitting on. I was about to walk over and grab it when, guess who I saw sitting at that exact table?

 You got it.

He had his back to me, and he was reading a book. Everything about his posture screamed 'pissed off'. His jaw was clenched, and his hands were fists, white knuckled fingers digging into the book so hard the pages looked as though they were going to tear. I stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do or say. As I was running through possible conversations in my head, he turned and glowered at me. It must've been my imagination earlier, because his eyes were pale blue again now. But if looks could kill....

"You again." He murmured angrily. Suddenly, all my nervousness disappeared, replaced with anger. What the hell?

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. He looked a bit surprised, as though no-one ever talked to him like that, but then recovered himself.

He rolled his eyes. "Never mind." He sneered, as though I was too stupid to get it, and then turned his attention back to the book. My blood was boiling. He's got some serious nerve!

 I gritted my teeth. After a few moments, he turned back to me, that look still on his face.

"Can I help you with something?" He snarled. Oh, he was really angry now. His eyes were sparkling dangerously, as though he was about to attack any second. He had dropped the book onto the table. Wordlessly, I marched over to the table and grabbed my Ipod.

"That's all." I said coldly. God. He needs to chill the fuck out.

As I walked towards the door, he called out to me. "Oh, and another thing?" His tone was pissed off.

I ignored him, and carried on walking.

"Stop stalking me." His voice was right beside me now; he was standing next to me.

I stopped where I was, contemplating whether or not I could get away with hurting him. I didn't like my chances. He was too strong looking, he'd be able to fight me off, and was probably anticipating my reaction to his words anyway. I would not stoop to his level. Before I had a chance to come up with a witty and/or sarcastic comeback, he was out of the door and disappeared down the corridor. I realised that my hands were in fists and I was shaking with anger.

 Faye was wrong, he didn't like me. And if he did, I would never date that bastard anyway. He's far too full of himself.

I sat in the parking lot in my car. God, I hated him so much. My fists were clenched on the steering wheel. I needed to get out of this stupid town. Revving up the engine, I decided to make a visit to one of my oldest friends, Xana Wood. She was the only one in my last school who didn't turn against me or bullied me. She accepted me for who I was, and because of that we'd been friends since we were seven. She would know exactly what to do.

I pulled up on her driveway, and beeped the horn. She looked through the kitchen window, and her mouth dropped open. She disappeared from view, and then came running out the front door.

"Oh my God!! Adira?! Is that really you?!" She said as I got out the car. I grinned at her. "Hey Xana." She ran forward and hugged me, laughing.

She beamed. "Oh, my god, haven't you changed!" She looked me up and down approvingly. "Like the hair."

I smiled, and then winced because of my split lip.

She looked at me worriedly. "What the hell happened to your face?"

I shrugged. "Just Isabella. Ran into her at a house party. Wanted her revenge, or something. No biggie."

She bit her lip and shook her head, sighing. "God, Isabella is such a bitch. Ever since you left, she's become even worse." Her face twisted, thinking about Isabella. "Anyway," She said brightly, changing the subject, "You'd better come inside. It's fucking freezing out here." She pulled her thin hoodie further around her and shivered.

Sitting in her cluttered kitchen, I felt like I was home. Xana and I always used to come here after school or just on weekends. She was making tea for us when she asked, "So, what's the problem?"

I was about to tell her, when I chickened out. "Um, nothing," I lied unconvincingly, "Just came to see you."

She sighed, and sat down opposite me. "Bullshit. There's something up, I can tell. You looked pretty angry when you pulled up. Now spill."

I sighed. "So there's this guy --" I started

She punched the air, and laughed. "Knew it! What's his name?"

"Um, Zayden."

"Cool. How long have you been dating?"

I blanched. "Dating?! No!"

She looked confused.

I told her everything, from my dream to the party, from the way he looks at me to our encounter in the library. After I'd finished, she sat in silence for a while.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"Umm......." She played with her hair. "I really don't know. On the one hand, this guy keeps looking at you all the time, so that usually means he likes you. But the fact he's being so mean to you....Maybe he's trying to confuse you? I really haven't got a clue. Sorry, babes." She shrugged sheepishly.

I felt really disappointed. That was just fucking great. I shrugged. "Hey, don't worry about it. At least I've found a problem you can't solve!" I tried to look cheerful, but it fell flat.

"Tell me the truth here. Do you like him?"

"I....don't know. I mean, he's gorgeous, but he's an absolute asshole. You're right when you say I'm confused."

She sighed again, rolling her eyes. "Men." She laughed.

We sat for another few moments in silence.

"Um...I think my mom's getting home soon." Xana said, hinting for me to leave. Xana's mom absolutely hates me. Thinks I'm a bad influence, getting into fights, getting expelled.....

"Oh, right. I'd better get going then. See you soon."

"You too. Bye."


 I rolled over in bed. It was 1:06 AM and I still couldn't sleep. I considered skipping school, but that would make Zayden think I was too scared to face him. Just thinking about him made my blood boil. Xana couldn't help me, even though she always could in the past. Mind you, there'd never been a situation like this before. I sighed. Now what?

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