Chapter 15

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Hi guys, me again. how you liking the story so far??

About last chapter: Woah, Adira's feeling a little confused. Are you Team Dan or Team Zayden???? Let me know!! I'm curious.

Ouch, my foot is dead, so I'm gonna go walk around randomly for a while. Be right back...

...I'm back. Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now because I assume you want to read the story rather than hear me ramble on about my numb foot.

At least, I hope so.

And thank you all for voting/commenting/fanning/just reading. Whenever I get an update saying someone's fanned/voted/commented, It makes me blush. Thank you all so much. You're all amazing, and I love you.

love lily xx



"Have a good time, Addie! Remember to be back before midnight."

I rolled my eyes as I put my coat on. Not likely.

"Yes, mom," I grabbed my keys. "See you!"

She came into the hallway where I was standing. "You got everything?"

I sighed. "Yes, mom."

"You sure?"


"Then why is Sean's present still on the table?"

Oh. Shit. "Apart from that." I said, running back into the kitchen and grabbing it.

"Bye, sweetie. Be safe." She kissed me on the cheek.

" 'Kay. Bye, mom." I called over my shoulder as I walked out the door. Sean's house was only a block away, so I walked.

I knocked on the door. Mrs. James opened it. She beamed. "Adira! What a surprise! I didn't think you were coming over until later, love."

I shrugged. "Well, I thought I'd come help set up. Where's Sean?"

She smiled. "In his room."

"Okay, thanks." I said, already walking up the stairs.

I grinned. I'd jump out at him and surprise him.

Peeking around the door, I saw something that I most certainly was not expecting.

Oh no. No. Please let this be some bad dream. Or my imagination.

I blinked, twice, but no, Sean was still there, on his bed, making out with some other random girl. I dropped the box. It fell onto the carpet with a soft thud. Sean didn't notice, and if he did, he didn't look up. The girl did, though, and looked up at me as Sean kissed her neck. She was very pretty, with white skin and hair so blond it was nearly the same colour as her skin. Her face was perfect, unblemished, and she let a small cruel smile spread over her perfect lips. She looked at me with terrifiying ruby red eyes. Red eyes. I knew, somehow that she wasn't human. Without taking her eyes off me, she let her lips slide down Sean's neck. He had his back to me, so he didn't see me. She smiled maliciously once more.

Then, he screamed.

He struggled in her grip, but she pinned him down. He lifted his head, and his eyes locked with mine. He mouthed my name, his soft brown eyes wide and terrified. I couldn't move, I was rooted to the spot. She appeared to be...biting him? That was crazy. I was sure I was dreaming now.

Then, I saw the blood.

Blood. Blood everywhere. The wall, the bed, dripping onto the floor. I wanted to scream, call someone for help, but my voice had disappeared. Sean's screams got quieter, quieter, until they were just whimpers. He became still, and he was silent. No. The girl pulled back to assess her work. When she turned to me, her face, mouth mostly was smeared with blood. Her once red eyes were pitch black. She snarled at me, not looking or sounding human anymore. I risked a glance at Sean, and regretted it.

His hair was red and matted, his skin stained red, but unnaturally white underneath. Eyes open, but dead. Stone-cold dead. His neck was a bloody mess, a large wound on the side, with what almost looked like teeth marks from here. Then I realised.

They were teeth marks.

Oh. My. God.

She advanced towards me, her stance animal. Her lip pulled back over her lip. Her teeth looked unnaturally sharp, and they were covered in blood. Sean's blood. She lowered herself into a crouch. Crap. Suddenly, I head Isabella's voice. "Sean? Sean? What's the matter? I'm coming up."

Shit! No!

The girl heard Isabella coming up the stairs, took one last look at me, and then Sean. She blew me a mocking kiss before climbing out of the window with catlike grace.

"Sean?" Isabella opened the door.

I whirled around. "Isab--"

She screamed.


I woke up suddenly. It was dark outside, and when I looked at my alarm, it read 2:34. I groaned. I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep again. I got up out of bed, and flipped the light switch. It took me a few seconds to get used to the bright light. It was just a stupid dream. They had stopped nearly a year ago, but must've come back again. Great. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now. I peered out of the window into the yard, but of course, it was dark. The moon was nearly full tonight, its pale silvery light illuminating the backyard, making even the old peeling paint on the fence look magical. I had a weird urge to go outside. I just needed to get out of here. I pulled on my jeans and hoodie I had been wearing that day, grabbed my phone, and slipped out of the door, downstairs and out of the back door.

I shivered and pulled my thin hoodie further around me. This was a stupid idea. Checking the time on my phone, the screen read '3:44' before the screen turned suddenly blank. Great. My phone had just died on me and I was in the middle of the woods. I looked around as I walked, and then a chilling realisation came to me.

These were the exact woods from my dream. My dream about Zayden's eyes.

I shuddered, but not from the cold. I was having an eerie sense of deja vu here. An owl hooted, making me jump. I was pretty on edge.

You shouldn't be here, My conscious told me, Something's not right.

Damn straight.

The sound of a twig popping underneath someone's foot soounded a little way off, behind some trees on my right. Oh god. I stood still, holding my breath. Nothing. I slowly turned around. I was the only person here. Now I'm hearing things. I shook my head and turned back towards my house.

Trophy EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora